Additional file 1: of Cardiovascular cine imaging and flow evaluation using Fast Interrupted Steady-State (FISS) magnetic resonance

  • Robert R. Edelman (Creator)
  • Ali Serhal (Northwestern University, NorthShore University HealthSystem) (Creator)
  • Amit Pursnani (Creator)
  • Jianing Pang (Contributor)
  • Ioannis Koktzoglou (Creator)
  • Robert Edelman (Creator)
  • Ioannis Koktzoglou (Creator)



Figure S1. Four-chamber cine images using Cartesian bSSFP and FISS readouts provide similar depiction of cardiac morphology and function. Figure S2. There is marked improvement in the degree of fat suppression using cine FISS vs. cine bSSFP, resulting in better visualization of the coronary artery (thick arrow) and the internal mammary arteries and veins (thin arrows). Figure S3. Cine FISS better delineates the aortic valve leaflets during systole than radial cine bSSFP or cine sGRE. In addition, cine sGRE shows signal loss due to flow saturation effects. Figure S4. Oblique coronal cine FISS ASL shows progression of the labeled bolus through the main segment and branches of the right renal artery. Figure S5. Semiprojective cine FISS ASL acquired with a 24-mm thick axial slice shows symmetrical progression of the labeled bolus through the right and left renal arteries. Figure S6. Dynamic imaging of blood flow in the LAD. (A) Radial QISS localizer for cine FISS ASL. (B) A 25-mm adiabatic inversion RF pulse was positioned over the aortic root and left sinus of Valsalva for spin labeling. Using cine FISS without image subtraction, the labeled bolus can only be distinctly seen in a few frames. (C and D) Cine FISS ASL with image subtraction shows the progression of the labeled through the length of the LAD over the entire duration of the cardiac cycle. Figure S7. Phantom study showing different rates of bolus motion using cine FISS ASL for flow rates of 200 ml/min and 400 ml/min. Figure S8. Cine FISS ASL of the pulmonary arteries in two different subjects. The labeling RF pulse was positioned over the right ventricle, which allowed the pulmonary arteries to be selectively displayed with only minimal signal contamination from other vessels. (PPTX 10644Â kb)
Date made available2018

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