Additional file 1 of IgG and IgA autoantibodies against L1 ORF1p expressed in granulocytes correlate with granulocyte consumption and disease activity in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Kennedy C. Ukadike (Creator)
  • Kathryn Ni (Creator)
  • Xiaoxing Wang (Creator)
  • Martin S. Taylor (Creator)
  • John LaCava (Creator)
  • Lauren M Pachman MD (Creator)
  • M. Eckert (Creator)
  • A. Stevens (Creator)
  • Christian Lood (Creator)
  • Tomas Mustelin (Creator)



Additional file 1: Figure S1. Flow cytometry and gating strategy for two representative pSLE patients. A, first patient: gating on live cells, then single cells, then expression of CD66b or CD19, then p40 in the CD66b+ and CD19+ populations. Note that p40 is predominantly found in the CD66b+ population with higher CD66b expression, presumably activated neutrophils. B, second patient: same gating strategy, showing CD66b+ and CD16+ populations.
Date made available2021

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