Additional file 3: of DegNorm: normalization of generalized transcript degradation improves accuracy in RNA-seq analysis

  • Bin Xiong (Creator)
  • Yiben Yang (Contributor)
  • Frank R. Fineis (Creator)
  • Jiping Wang (Creator)



Table S1. This table summarizes the number of false positives claimed in differential expression analysis by edgeR from different normalization methods at q value threshold = 0.05 for data sets including SEQC-AA, GBM RIN10 vs. RIN4, GBM RIN6 vs. RIN4, PBMC-S01, DLPFC Br1729 Ribo-zero, DLPFC Br1729 poly(A)+, and breast tumor FF vs. (XLSX 9 kb)
Date made available2019

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