Additional file 3 of Uncovering the role of Symbiodiniaceae assemblage composition and abundance in coral bleaching response by minimizing sampling and evolutionary biases
Additional file 3: Table S3. Phylogenetic signal evaluation (Pagel’s λ) and correlation coefficients (r) of phylogenetically-corrected and uncorrected linear correlations throughout the study. Significant Pagel’s λ p-values (
Swain, T. D. (Creator), Lax, S. (Creator), Backman, V. (Creator), Marcelino, L. A. (Creator) (2020). Additional file 3 of Uncovering the role of Symbiodiniaceae assemblage composition and abundance in coral bleaching response by minimizing sampling and evolutionary biases. figshare. 10.6084/m9.figshare.12331877