Additional file 6: of Dynamic genome-scale cell-specific metabolic models reveal novel inter-cellular and intra-cellular metabolic communications during ovarian follicle development

  • Beatriz Peñalver Bernabé (Contributor)
  • Ines Thiele (Creator)
  • Eugene Galdones (Creator)
  • Anaar Siletz (Contributor)
  • Sriram Chandrasekaran (Contributor)
  • Teresa K. Woodruff (Northwestern University) (Creator)
  • Linda J Broadbelt (Creator)
  • Lonnie D. Shea (Creator)



Entrez ID, gene symbol, the community that the gene belongs to according to Infomap and the flow of information that is transferred through the enzymatic node. (XLSX 110 kb)
Date made available2019

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