Additional file 7: of BMP-dependent, injury-induced stem cell niche as a mechanism of heterotopic ossification

  • Chen Kan (Creator)
  • Na Ding (Creator)
  • Jiazhao Yang (Contributor)
  • Zhenya Tan (Creator)
  • Tammy L. McGuire (Creator)
  • Haimei Lu (Contributor)
  • Keqin Zhang (Contributor)
  • Diana M. Palila Berger (Northwestern University) (Creator)
  • John Kessler (Creator)
  • Lixin Kan (Creator)



Figure S5. The distribution of Cre-labeled cells outside of the target regions. A&B) the distribution of Gli1-creERT-labeled cells in Nse-BMP4;Gli1-creERT;R26R-Confetti mice outside of the target regions, i.e., A) in normal skeletal bone (growth plate of femur), and B) in differentiated core of chondrocyte of HO, away from the newly formed zonal region. C&D) the distribution of Glast-creERT labeled cells in Nse-BMP4;Glast-creERT;R26R-Confetti mice outside of the target regions, i.e., C) in the cerebellum, consistent with the known expression pattern in Bergmann glia, and D) in the skeletal muscle interstitium. E&F) the distribution of Tie2-cre labeled cells in Nse-BMP4;Tie2;R26R-Confetti and Nse-BMP4;Tie2-cre;Zsgreen mice outside of the target regions, i.e., E) The pattern of labeled cells in the adult brain of Nse-BMP4;Tie2-cre;Zsgreen, consistent with the known vascular expression pattern. F) The pattern of labeled cells in the early lesion of Nse-BMP4;Tie2-cre;R26R-Confetti. Note that the morphology of some labeled cells is consistent with the known vascular pattern. A-F are on the same scale, Bar = 50 μm. (TIF 11999 kb)
Date made available2019

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