Additional file 7 of Toothbrush microbiomes feature a meeting ground for human oral and environmental microbiota

  • Ryan A. Blaustein (Creator)
  • Lisa Marie Michelitsch (Contributor)
  • Adam J. Glawe (Creator)
  • Hansung Lee (Contributor)
  • Stefanie Huttelmaier (Creator)
  • Nancy Hellgeth (Creator)
  • Sarah Ben Maamar (Contributor)
  • Erica Marie Hartmann (Creator)



Additional file 6: Table S3. ARG protein families detected on toothbrushes and in the subset of HMP-II oral samples. Drug class and mechanism of resistance are in accordance with the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database [24]. Sample detection frequency, RPKM mean and standard error, and GLM p and q values are listed. ARGs enriched (q < 0.05) in toothbrush or oral samples are indicated in blue and green font, respectively.
Date made available2021

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