Figure S6. Conditional depletion of Glast-creERT+ cells resulted in less severe yet “typical” HO. A&B) Gross image of HO harvested from TAM treated (A) and control (B) Nse-BMP4;Glast-creERT;ROSA26-eGFP-DTA mice after injury. Note that the gross morphology of HO in both groups was similar but the HO in the TAM treated group was smaller. Also note that a significant portion of harvest HO was not mature (without red bone marrow), which argued that quantification the immature HO with micro-CT could be misleading. C-H) Typical H&E images from treated (C, E &G) and control (D, F&H) groups both demonstrate typical features of fibro-proliferative (C&D), chondrocyte (E&F) and mature HO (G&H), though subtle differences do exist between the two groups. C-H are on the same scale, Bar = 50 μm. (TIF 18128 kb)
Date made available | 2019 |
Publisher | figshare |