Characterization and elemental analyses of soil cores from a prairie wetland nature preserve in the Chicago area, Gensburg Markham Prairie

  • Liliana M. Hernandez Gonzalez (Creator)
  • Vivien A. Rivera (Creator)
  • Colin B. Phillips (Creator)
  • Loren A. Haug (Creator)
  • Shelby Hatch (Creator)
  • Loren E. Yeager (Creator)
  • Haebin Chang (Creator)
  • Jennifer Alvarez (Creator)
  • Karl J. Gnaedinger (Creator)
  • William M Miller (Creator)
  • Aaron Packman (Creator)



This dataset includes pH, organic matter content, soil type and total concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na, and K in soil samples collected up to a depth of 120 cm in Gensburg Markham Prairie (GMP). GMP is a high-quality tall-grass prairie wetland nature preserve in Markham, IL. These measurements were obtained to evaluate the soil quality and the potential for habitat degradation in GMP.
Date made availableAug 21 2018
PublisherInterdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)
Geospatial Point41.607427, -87.68215Show on map

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