Data Visualization Code for: Quantitation of Cell Type-Specific Responses to Brassinosteroid by Deep Sequencing of Polysome-Associated Polyadenylated RNA
This R script takes a counts table to plot and a gene list (where the "genes" should be a unique subset of the row names in the table). It creates both a hierarchically clustered heatmap of the subset of the table indexed by the gene list, as well as a text based table of the same underlying data in the same row order.
Vragović, K., Bartom, E. & Savaldi-Goldstein, S., 2017, Methods in Molecular Biology.Humana Press Inc., p. 81-10222 p. (Methods in Molecular Biology; vol. 1564).
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Bartom, E. (Creator), Bartom, E. T. (Creator) (2018). Data Visualization Code for: Quantitation of Cell Type-Specific Responses to Brassinosteroid by Deep Sequencing of Polysome-Associated Polyadenylated RNA. Code Ocean. 10.24433/co.62f8457a-f2f9-4674-8e4f-4e92b25abe71