Genome wide RNA Sequencing of whole C. elegans RNA



Accession Number: GSE60825

GPL13657: Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Caenorhabditis elegans)

Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans

Published on 2014-08-27

We report genes induced under transient hypoxia in an ELT-2 dependent manner

Overall Design:
Adult C. elegans were exposed to transient hypoxia and fed ELT-2 RNAi. Normoxia and Empty Vector RNAi were performed as controls

Name: Navdeep Chandel
Organization: Northwestern University
Laboratory: Chandel Lab
Deparment: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Address: 240 E. Huron St. Chicago IL 60611 USA
Email: [email protected]

Organization: GEO
Address: USA
Date made availableAug 27 2014
PublisherGene Expression Omnibus

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