Investigating the Lower Mass Gap with Low Mass X-ray Binary Population Synthesis

  • Jared Siegel (Contributor)
  • Ilia Kiato (Contributor)
  • Vicky Kalogera (Contributor)
  • Christopher P.L. Berry (Contributor)
  • Thomas J. Maccarone (Contributor)
  • Katelyn Breivik (Contributor)
  • J. Andrews (Contributor)
  • Simone S. Bavera (Contributor)
  • T. Fragos (Contributor)
  • Konstantinos Kovlakas (Contributor)
  • Devina Misra (Contributor)
  • Kyle A. Rocha (Contributor)
  • Philipp M. Srivastava (Contributor)
  • Meng Sun (Contributor)
  • Zepei Xing (Contributor)
  • E. Zapartas (Contributor)



Title: Investigating the Lower Mass Gap with Low Mass X-ray Binary Population Synthesis Authors: Jared C. Siegel, Ilia Kiato, Vicky Kalogera, Christopher P. L. Berry, Thomas J. Maccarone, Katelyn Breivik, Jeff J. Andrews, Simone S. Bavera, Aaron Dotter, Tassos Fragos, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Devina Misra, Kyle A. Rocha, Philipp M. Srivastava, Meng Sun, Zepei Xing, and Emmanouil Zapartas Table: Summary of Population Synthesis Models Columns: Population parameters: CE: efficiency of common envelope unbinding, either: * 1 or 5 CE merge: stars without a distinct core-envelope boundary that instigate a CE event are either assumed to survive the CE (Optimistic) or are assumed to merge (Pessimistic). QMIN: minimum ZAMS ratio, either: * 0.01 * Lifetime limited (pre-main-sequence lifetime of the secondary is shorter than the main-sequence lifetime of the primary) BRK: prescription for magnetic braking of a tidally coupled magnetic wind, either: * H02: Hurley et al. 2002 * IT03: Ivanova & Taam 2003 ACC: amount of mass accreted during Roche-lobe overflow, either: * 50% efficiency * State dependent: (i) limited to ten-times the thermal rate if the accretor is a main-sequence, Hertzsprung gap or core helium burning star, or (ii) unlimited if the accretor is a giant branch, early asymptotic giant branch or asymptotic giant branch star. Compact objects also experience conservative mass transfer, provided the mass-transfer rate is sub-Eddington. Selection effect parameters: weighting: logs what selection effects were considered for the detection weighted results, either: *prob_occ: the probability that an outburst occurs and turns off during the survey *prob_see: the probability that the outburst is bright enough to be detected *prob: the product of prob_occ and prob_see RIA_nu: determines when the transition to radiatively inefficient accretion occurs, either: *0 (no transition) or 0.05 Results: f_gap_N: fraction of LMXB systems with a mass gap BH (M
Date made availableJul 17 2023

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