This is a reproduction package for the paper "Observational signatures of disk and jet misalignment in images of accreting black holes" by Chatterjee et al. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 362. Please read the readme file for instructions to read and plot the data used in the paper.
Chatterjee, K. (Contributor), Younsi, Z. (Contributor), Liska, M. (Contributor), Tchekhovskoy, A. (Contributor), Markoff, S. B. (Contributor), Yoon, D. (Contributor), Van, E. D. (Contributor), Hesp, C. (Contributor), Ingram, A. (Contributor), Van, D. K. M. B. M. (Contributor) (Sep 7 2020). Observational signatures of disk and jet misalignment in images of accreting black holes. ZENODO. 10.5281/zenodo.3757013