Postdoc academy: Succeeding as a postdoc pre- and post-course survey



The data named "PrePost_5Run_Consent" is the matched data for the pre- and the post-course surveys for a Massive Open Online Course, Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc. The pre-course survey had five items asking participants to rate their competency in making career transitions skillfully, planning career, developing collaborative research relationships, rebounding from setbacks or challenges, and engaging in self-reflection on a five-point Likert scale. The pre-course survey also has items collecting participants' demographic information including gender, ethnicity, discipline, and country of origin. The post-course survey included the same five items assessing participants' perceptions of their skills upon completion of the course. Both surveys were embedded in the Succeeding as a Postdoc course on the edX platform and data were collected through Qualtrics. The course was offered five times from January 2020 through January 2022.
Date made availableMay 15 2023

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