Reliable Timekeeping for Intermittent Computing - ASPLOS 2020 Artifact

  • Jasper de Winkel (Contributor)
  • Carlo Delle Donne (Contributor)
  • Kasım Sinan Yıldırım (Contributor)
  • Przemyslaw Pawełczak (Contributor)
  • Josiah Hester (Contributor)



Botoks is a batteryless timekeeping sensor that operates intermittently harvesting ambient energy. Botoks's hardware and software components enable IoT applications that require precise and intermittency-safe timekeeping. The cascaded hierarchical remanence timekeeper (CHRT) embedded on Botoks is a novel remanence timekeeper architecture. In principle, capacitive remanence timekeepers are simple RC circuits whose energy level is converted into time. To know more about them and the CHRT, refer to our paper (to be made public) and the docs.
Date made availableMar 16 2020

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