Version 3

  • Carol D. Ryff (Creator)
  • David M. Almeida (Creator)
  • John Z. Ayanian (Creator)
  • Neil Binkley (Creator)
  • Deborah S. Carr (Creator)
  • Christopher Coe (Creator)
  • Richard J. Davidson (Creator)
  • Joseph G. Grzywacz (Creator)
  • Arun Karlamangla (Creator)
  • Robert F. Krueger (Creator)
  • M. E. Lachman (Creator)
  • Gayle Love (Creator)
  • Marsha Mailick Seltzer (Creator)
  • Daniel K Mroczek (Creator)
  • Barry Radler (Creator)
  • Richard P. Sloan (Creator)
  • Duncan Thomas (Creator)
  • David R. Williams (Creator)



In 2005, 592 African Americans from Milwaukee were added to the MIDUS sample to examine health issues in minority populations (for more details, see Midlife in the United States (MIDUS 2): Milwaukee African American Sample [ICPSR #22840]). Respondents were interviewed in their homes using a Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) survey protocol and asked to complete and return a Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ). Afterwards these individuals were eligible for participation in the same research protocol as the national MIDUS 2 sample, including cognitive, daily stress, biomarker, and neuroscience projects. With support from the National Institute on Aging, a second wave of survey data collection on the Milwaukee sample was begun in 2016. The survey consisted of a 2.5 hour CAPI interview followed by a 45-page mailed SAQ. CAPI survey data was collected for 389 individuals, realizing a 78 percent response rate, adjusted for mortality and other eligibility criteria. Data collection for this follow-up wave largely repeated baseline assessments, with additional questions in selected areas (e.g., economic recession experiences, childhood experience with race, etc.). Following successful completion of the CAPI and SAQ protocols, individuals were eligible for participation in cognitive, daily stress, biomarker, and neuroscience projects.
Date made available2018
PublisherICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research
Date of data productionJan 1 2016 - Dec 31 2017
Geographical coverageWisconsin

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