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Impact of early relapse within 24 months after first-line systemic therapy (POD24) on outcomes in patients with marginal zone lymphoma: A US multisite study
Epperla, N. (Creator), Welkie, R. L. (Creator), Torka, P. (Creator), Shouse, G. (Creator), Karmali, R. (Creator), Shea, L. (Creator), Anampa-Guzmán, A. (Creator), Oh, T. S. (Creator), Reaves, H. (Creator), Tavakkoli, M. (Creator), Lindsey, K. (Creator), Greenwell, I. B. (Creator), Hansinger, E. (Creator), Thomas, C. (Creator), Chowdhury, S. M. (Creator), Annunzio, K. (Creator), Christian, B. (Creator), Barta, S. K. (Creator), Geethakumari, P. R. (Creator), Bartlett, N. L. (Creator), Herrera, A. F. (Creator), Grover, N. S. (Creator) & Olszewski, A. J. (Creator), figshare, 2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6638327,
Assessment and Management of Cognitive Function in Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated with Second‑Generation Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors
Wefel, J. S. (Creator), Ryan, C. J. (Creator), Van, J. (Creator), Jackson, J. C. (Creator) & Morgans, A. K. (Creator), Adis Journals, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19474502.v2,
The effects of CEP-37440, an inhibitor of focal adhesion kinase, in vitro and in vivo on inflammatory breast cancer cells
Salem, I. (Contributor), Alsalahi, M. (Creator), Chervoneva, I. (Creator), Aburto, L. D. (Creator), Addya, S. (Creator), Ott, G. R. (Creator), Ruggeri, B. A. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator) & Fernandez, S. V. (Creator), figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3612563,
CCR5 activation and endocytosis in circulating tumor-derived cells isolated from the blood of breast cancer patients provide information about clinical outcome
Raghavakaimal, A. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator), Tang, C.-M. (Creator), Alpaugh, R. K. (Creator), Gardner, K. P. (Creator), Chumsri, S. (Creator) & Adams, D. L. (Creator), figshare, 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6013278,
ChIP-Seq analysis of ER binding sites in MCF7 breast cancer cells
Hu, M. (Contributor) & Yu, J. (Contributor), ArrayExpress, 2010
CCDC 1939306: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Babak, M. V. (Contributor), Chong, K. R. (Contributor), Rapta, P. (Contributor), Zannikou, M. (Contributor), Tang, H. M. (Contributor), Reichert, L. (Contributor), Chang, M. R. (Contributor), Kushnarev, V. (Contributor), Heffeter, P. (Contributor), Meier-Menches, S. M. (Contributor), Lim, Z. C. (Contributor), Yap, J. Y. (Contributor), Casini, A. (Contributor), Balyasnikova, I. V. (Contributor) & Ang, W. H. (Contributor), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2022
DOI: 10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc23308j,
SPOROS: A pipeline to analyze 6mer/DISE seed toxicity
Bartom, E. (Creator), Kocherginsky, M. (Creator) & Peter, M. (Contributor), Code Ocean, 2021
DOI: 10.24433/co.1732496.v1,
Cell-type restricted activity of hnRNPM promotes breast cancer metastasis via regulating alternative splicing
Xu, Y. (Contributor), Huang, H. (Contributor), Tan, H. (Contributor), Ahn, J. (Contributor), Feng, Y. (Contributor), Gius, D. (Contributor), Peng, J. (Contributor), Xiao, X. (Contributor) & Cheng, C. (Contributor), ArrayExpress, 2014
Expression data from androgen treated LNCaP cells
Vellaichamy, A. (Contributor), Sreekumar, A. (Contributor), Rajendiran, T. (Contributor), Yu, J. (Contributor), Varambally, S. (Contributor) & Li, Y. (Contributor), ArrayExpress, 2009
Additional file 4 of Cancer-specific CTCF binding facilitates oncogenic transcriptional dysregulation
Fang, C. (Contributor), Wang, Z. (Contributor), Han, C. (Contributor), Safgren, S. L. (Creator), Helmin, K. A. (Creator), Adelman, E. R. (Creator), Serafin, V. (Creator), Basso, G. (Creator), Eagen, K. P. (Creator), Gaspar-Maia, A. (Creator), Figueroa, M. E. (Creator), Singer, B. D. (Creator), Ratan, A. (Contributor), Ntziachristos, P. (Creator) & Zang, C. (Creator), figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12960917,
Additional file 1 of Antibody targeting tumor-derived soluble NKG2D ligand sMIC reprograms NK cell homeostatic survival and function and enhances melanoma response to PDL1 blockade therapy
Basher, F. (Contributor), Dhar, P. (Contributor), Wang, X. (Creator), Wainwright, D. A. (Creator), Zhang, B. (Creator), Sosman, J. (Creator), Ji, Z. (Creator) & Wu, J. D. (Creator), figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12456779,
Additional file 8 of Cancer-specific CTCF binding facilitates oncogenic transcriptional dysregulation
Fang, C. (Contributor), Wang, Z. (Contributor), Han, C. (Contributor), Safgren, S. L. (Creator), Helmin, K. A. (Creator), Adelman, E. R. (Creator), Serafin, V. (Creator), Basso, G. (Creator), Eagen, K. P. (Creator), Gaspar-Maia, A. (Creator), Figueroa, M. E. (Creator), Singer, B. D. (Creator), Ratan, A. (Contributor), Ntziachristos, P. (Creator) & Zang, C. (Creator), figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12960929,
Supplementary_Figure_1_1 – Supplemental material for Association between circulating tumor cells and peripheral blood monocytes in metastatic breast cancer
De Giorgi, U. (Contributor), Mego, M. (Creator), Scarpi, E. (Creator), Giordano, A. (Creator), Giuliano, M. (Creator), Valero, V. (Creator), Alvarez, R. H. (Creator), Ueno, N. T. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator) & Reuben, J. M. (Creator), SAGE Journals, 2019
DOI: 10.25384/sage.9632438,
Additional file 6 of Cancer-specific CTCF binding facilitates oncogenic transcriptional dysregulation
Fang, C. (Contributor), Wang, Z. (Contributor), Han, C. (Contributor), Safgren, S. L. (Creator), Helmin, K. A. (Creator), Adelman, E. R. (Creator), Serafin, V. (Creator), Basso, G. (Creator), Eagen, K. P. (Creator), Gaspar-Maia, A. (Creator), Figueroa, M. E. (Creator), Singer, B. D. (Creator), Ratan, A. (Contributor), Ntziachristos, P. (Creator) & Zang, C. (Creator), figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12960923,
Additional file 2: Table S1. of HiC-bench: comprehensive and reproducible Hi-C data analysis designed for parameter exploration and benchmarking
Lazaris, C. (Creator), Kelly, S. (Creator), Ntziachristos, P. (Creator), Aifantis, I. (Contributor) & Tsirigos, A. (Creator), figshare, 2017
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3658829_d2.v1,
Characterization of CpG sites that escape methylation on the inactive human X-chromosome
Moen, E. L. (Contributor), Litwin, E. (Creator), Arnovitz, S. (Creator), Zhang, X. (Creator), Zhang, W. (Creator), Dolan, M. E. (Contributor) & Godley, L. A. (Contributor), Taylor & Francis, 2015
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.1485315.v4,
Prolonging the life of people with metastatic breast cancer in routine clinical practice by adding palbociclib to an aromatase inhibitor from a real-world database analysis: a plain language summary
Rugo, H. S. (Contributor), Brufsky, A. (Creator), Liu, X. (Creator), Li, B. (Creator), McRoy, L. (Creator), Chen, C. (Creator), Layman, R. M. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator), Torres, M. A. (Creator), Curigliano, G. (Creator), Finn, R. S. (Creator) & Demichele, A. (Contributor), Future Science Group, 2023
DOI: 10.25402/fon.22242118.v2,
Cancer-specific CTCF binding facilitates oncogenic transcriptional dysregulation
Fang, C. (Contributor), Wang, Z. (Contributor), Han, C. (Contributor), Safgren, S. L. (Creator), Helmin, K. A. (Creator), Adelman, E. R. (Creator), Serafin, V. (Creator), Basso, G. (Creator), Eagen, K. P. (Creator), Gaspar-Maia, A. (Creator), Figueroa, M. E. (Creator), Singer, B. D. (Creator), Ratan, A. (Contributor), Ntziachristos, P. (Creator) & Zang, C. (Creator), figshare, 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5122871.v1,
Additional file 2: Table S1. of The common stress responsive transcription factor ATF3 binds genomic sites enriched with p300 and H3K27ac for transcriptional regulation
Zhao, J. (Creator), Li, X. (Contributor), Guo, M. (Contributor), Yu, J. (Contributor) & Yan, C. (Contributor), figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3613622_d2,
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 1 (IFITM1) overexpression enhances the aggressive phenotype of SUM149 inflammatory breast cancer cells in a signal transducer and activator of transcription 2 (STAT2)-dependent manner
Ogony, J. (Creator), Choi, H. J. (Creator), Lui, A. (Contributor), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator) & Lewis-Wambi, J. (Creator), figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3626189_d2,
Tyrosine 625 plays a key role and cooperates with tyrosine 630 in MPL W515L-induced signaling and myeloproliferative neoplasms
Yu, C. (Creator), Yang, Q. (Creator), Chen, Y. (Creator), Wang, D. (Creator), Levine, R. (Creator), Crispino, J. (Creator), Wen, Q. (Creator) & Huang, Z. (Creator), figshare, 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3632687.v1,
RNA-Seq anlalysis of prostate cancer cell lines using Next Generation Sequencing
Cao, X. (Contributor), Robinson, D. (Contributor), Kalyana-Sundaram, S. (Contributor), Huang, C. (Contributor), Shankar, S. (Contributor), Jing, X. (Contributor), Iyer, M. (Contributor), Hu, M. (Contributor), Sam, L. (Contributor), Grasso, C. (Contributor), Palanisamy, N. (Contributor), Mehra, R. (Contributor), Siddiqui, J. (Contributor) & Yu, J. (Contributor), ArrayExpress, 2011
Socio-economic factors do not affect overall survival in soft tissue sarcoma when patients treated at a single high-volume center
Eastman, B. M. (Creator), Hippe, D. S. (Creator), Wootton, L. S. (Creator), Nyflot, M. J. (Creator), Thompson, M. J. (Creator), Pollack, S. M. (Creator), Kim, E. (Creator) & Spraker, M. B. (Creator), figshare, 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5440041.v1,
Design of SERENA-6, a phase III switching trial of camizestrant in ESR1-mutant breast cancer during first-line treatment - Podcast
Turner, N. (Creator), Huang-Bartlett, C. (Creator), Kalinsky, K. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator), Bianchini, G. (Creator), Chia, S. (Creator), Iwata, H. (Creator), Janni, W. (Creator), Ma, C. X. (Contributor), Mayer, E. L. (Contributor), Park, Y. H. (Contributor), Fox, S. (Creator), Liu, X. (Creator), Mcclain, S. (Contributor) & Bidard, F.-C. (Creator), Future Science Group, 2023
DOI: 10.25402/fon.23226635.v3,
Additional file 2: of Circulating tumor cell and cell-free RNA capture and expression analysis identify platelet-associated genes in metastatic lung cancer
Beck, T. N. (Creator), Boumber, Y. A. (Contributor), Aggarwal, C. (Creator), Pei, J. (Contributor), Thrash-Bingham, C. (Creator), Fittipaldi, P. (Creator), Vlasenkova, R. (Contributor), Rao, C. (Creator), Borghaei, H. (Creator), Cristofanilli, M. (Creator), Mehra, R. (Contributor), Serebriiskii, I. (Creator) & Alpaugh, R. K. (Contributor), figshare, 2019
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.8294399,