Grants per year
- 275 - 300 out of 546 results
Search results
Novel regulatory mechanisms of IL-1beta maturation and release
Stehlik, C. (PD/PI)
American Heart Association Midwest Affiliate
1/1/09 → 2/4/09
Project: Research project
Novel regulatory mechanisms of IL-1beta maturation and release
Stehlik, C.
American Heart Association Midwest Affiliate
1/1/09 → 2/4/09
Project: Research project
Novel Role for A20 in Fibrosis Susceptibility
Varga, J. (PD/PI), Berdnikovs, S. (Co-Investigator), Bhattacharyya, S. (Co-Investigator) & Lee, J. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
7/9/18 → 6/30/20
Project: Research project
NRSA Fellowship in Support of Postdoctoral Rheumatology Training
Pope, R. M. (PD/PI), Chang, R. W. (Co-PD/PI), Datta, S. K. (Co-PD/PI) & Ramsey-Goldman, R. (Co-PD/PI)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
6/5/01 → 4/30/06
Project: Research project
NRSA Fellowship in Support of Postdoctoral Rheumatology Training
Pope, R. M. (PD/PI), Chang, R. W. (Co-PD/PI), Datta, S. K. (Co-PD/PI) & Ramsey-Goldman, R. (Co-PD/PI)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
6/5/01 → 4/30/06
Project: Research project
NUCATS CTSA K12 Program at Northwestern University
Sharma, L. (PD/PI) & Yanez, B. R. (PD/PI)
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
9/1/24 → 7/31/29
Project: Research project
OAI Ancillary- Prediction of Incident and progressive OA from imaging biomarkers
Sharma, L. (PD/PI)
University of Arizona, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
9/15/14 → 7/31/19
Project: Research project
Osteoporosis Brochure Highlighting Therapeutic Options for Lupus Patients and Treating Physicians
Ramsey-Goldman, R. (PD/PI)
1/24/03 → 12/31/03
Project: Research project
P&F 8: Innate Immune Host Defense Function of Keratinocytes
Stehlik, C. (PD/PI)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
8/1/09 → 6/30/14
Project: Research project
P21: A Novel Suppressor of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Perlman, H. R. (PD/PI)
Rheumatology Research Foundation
7/1/11 → 9/30/13
Project: Research project
Pain and synovial pathotypes in AMP AIM (AWD00005387)
Ruderman, E. M. (PD/PI) & Lee, Y. C. (Co-Investigator)
University of Rochester, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
9/18/23 → 12/31/26
Project: Research project
Pathogenic Wnt-beta catenin target genes in macrophages and fibrosis
Gottardi, C. J. (PD/PI), Gottardi, C. J. (PD/PI), Misharin, A. (Co-PD/PI), Tetreault, M.-P. (Co-PD/PI), Winter, D. R. (Co-PD/PI), Misharin, A. (Co-Investigator) & Winter, D. R. (Co-Investigator)
Yale University, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
7/3/19 → 6/30/24
Project: Research project
Pathophysiology of Acute Lung Injury
Sznajder, J. I. (PD/PI), Dada, L. (Co-Investigator), Goldman, R. (Co-Investigator), Horvath, C. M. (Co-Investigator), Lecuona, E. (Co-Investigator), Perlman, H. R. (Co-Investigator), Stehlik, C. (Co-Investigator), Wunderink, R. G. (Co-Investigator), Budinger, G. S. (Other), Chandel, N. (Other) & Ridge, K. M. (Other)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
9/1/15 → 6/30/21
Project: Research project
Penetrance of microglia-specific transcriptional signatures in circulating monocytes of patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms of SLE
Cuda, C. M. (PD/PI), Ramsey-Goldman, R. (Co-Investigator) & Winter, D. R. (Co-Investigator)
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
1/1/20 → 12/31/22
Project: Research project
Peptide Vaccine Suppressing Autoantigen-Specific Response in Human Lupus
Datta, S. K. (PD/PI), Burt, R. K. (Co-PD/PI) & Zhang, L. (Co-Investigator)
4/1/11 → 9/30/14
Project: Research project
PHAROS Pulmonary Hypertension Study
Hinchcliff, M. E.
Georgetown University, Scleroderma Foundation
7/1/07 → 7/2/08
Project: Research project
PHAROS Pulmonary Hypertension Study
Hinchcliff, M. E.
Georgetown University, Scleroderma Foundation
7/1/07 → 7/2/08
Project: Research project
Physical Activity in Persons with Rheumatic Disease: Health Utility & Cost
Dunlop, D. D. (PD/PI) & Chang, R. W. (Co-PD/PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
Physical Activity in Persons with Rheumatic Disease: Health Utility & Cost
Dunlop, D. D. (PD/PI) & Chang, R. W. (Co-PD/PI)
7/1/07 → 6/30/10
Project: Research project
Physical Activity Management for Clients with Arthritis
Chang, R. W. (PD/PI), Feinglass, J. M. (Co-PD/PI), Sharma, L. (Co-PD/PI), Ruderman, E. M. (Co-Investigator) & Spring, B. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
9/1/05 → 8/31/11
Project: Research project
Planning Activity and Nutrition Trial in Lupus to Energize and Renew
Ramsey-Goldman, R. (PD/PI), Chang, R. W. (Co-Investigator), Chmiel, J. S. (Co-Investigator), Dunlop, D. D. (Co-Investigator), Pellegrini, C. A. (Co-Investigator), Spring, B. (Co-Investigator), Van Horn, L. (Co-Investigator) & Yount, S. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
5/2/14 → 4/30/16
Project: Research project
Plasma Chlorinated Lipids as Predictors of Cardiovascular Risk in Lupus
Ramsey-Goldman, R. (PD/PI)
Saint Louis University, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
5/1/10 → 2/28/12
Project: Research project