- 45 results
Search results
Ilhem Allagui
- NUQ Journalism Program - Professor in Residence, Program Director (Academic)
Person: Academic
Scott Curtis
- NUQ Communication Program - Associate Professor
- Radio, Television, and Film - Associate Professor
- Screen Cultures PhD Program
- Theatre and Drama PhD Program
Person: Academic
Sami Hermez
- NUQ Liberal Arts Program - Associate Professor in Residence, Program Director (Academic)
Person: Academic
Venus Jin
- NUQ Communication Program - Professor in Residence, Assoc Dean of Education
Person: Academic
Rana Kazkaz
- NUQ Communication Program - Associate Professor in Residence, Program Director (Academic)
Person: Academic
Joe F Khalil
- NUQ Communication Program - Professor in Residence
- Communication Studies PhD Program
Person: Academic
Marwan Michel Kraidy
- NUQ Administration - Dean Northwestern Univ, Qatar, Anthony Shadid Chair in Global Media, Politics & Culture
- Communication Studies - Professor
- Communication Studies PhD Program
Person: Academic
Gregory Ferrell Lowe
- NUQ Communication Program - Professor in Residence, Program Director (Academic)
Person: Academic
Anto Mohsin
- NUQ Liberal Arts Program - Assistant Professor in Residence
- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs - Associate Director (Academic)
Person: Academic
Kelly Reagan Wilson
- NUQ Academic Affairs - Manager Undergraduate Writing Administrator, Qatar
- NUQ Liberal Arts Program - Lecturer in Residence
Person: Academic
Zachary Valentine Wright
- NUQ Liberal Arts Program - Professor in Residence, Associate Dean for Faculty
- ISITA - Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa - Member
- PAS - Program of African Studies - Member
Person: Academic