Grants per year
- 175 - 200 out of 425 results
Search results
Osteoarthritis Progression and Sensory Pathway Alterations
Miller, R. J. (PD/PI) & Belmadani, A. (Co-Investigator)
Rush University Medical Center, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
5/1/16 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Modulation of Dravet Syndrome by Nedd4-2
Kearney, J. A. (PD/PI), Hawkins, N. A. (Other) & Thompson, C. H. (Other)
4/12/16 → 4/12/17
Project: Research project
Channelopathies and Cardiomyopathies Among Sudden Deaths in the Young
George, A. L. (PD/PI), McNally, E. M. (PD/PI), Roy-Puckelwartz, M. J. (Co-Investigator), Vanoye, C. G. (Co-Investigator) & Castillo, L. M. (Other)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
4/1/16 → 3/31/22
Project: Research project
NUKIDs: Scientist Training Program in Kidney Disease
Isakova, T. (PD/PI), Quaggin, S. E. (PD/PI), George, A. L. (Other) & Wolf, M. S. (Other)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
4/1/16 → 8/31/21
Project: Research project
Rational derivation of DA neuron subtypes from iPS cells for improved modelling of Parkinson's disease
Awatramani, R. (PD/PI), Krainc, D. (PD/PI) & Caronia-Brown, G. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
3/1/16 → 2/28/21
Project: Research project
Combined Approach to the Genetic Basis of Epilepsy
Kearney, J. A. (PD/PI), George, A. L. (Co-Investigator), Vanoye, C. G. (Co-Investigator) & George, A. L. (Other)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
3/1/16 → 8/31/21
Project: Research project
Subproject for Raj Awatramani for the study, Rational derivation of DA neuron subtypes from iPS cells for improved modelling of Parkinson's disease
Awatramani, R. (PD/PI) & Caronia-Brown, G. (Co-PD/PI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
3/1/16 → 2/28/21
Project: Research project
L-type channels as pharmacological targets for the treatment and prevention of febrile seizures
Martina, M. (PD/PI) & Kearney, J. A. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
3/1/16 → 2/28/19
Project: Research project
Mazar subproject for Novel Antiangiogenic Peptides for Treatment of Exudative AMD
Henkin, J. (Co-PD/PI) & Mazar, A. P. (Subproject PI)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, National Eye Institute
3/1/16 → 2/28/17
Project: Research project
Evaluation of steroid response to muscle injury in muscular dystrophy
McNally, E. M. (PD/PI) & Quattrocelli, M. (Other)
Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy Research, Inc.
2/1/16 → 1/31/21
Project: Research project
Galectin Modulation of Glutamate Receptors and Neuronal Function
Swanson, G. T. (PD/PI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
2/1/16 → 1/31/19
Project: Research project
Diversity Supplement: Galectin Modulation of Glutamate Receptors and Neuronal Function
Swanson, G. T. (PD/PI)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
2/1/16 → 1/31/19
Project: Research project
Differential Reorganization of Synaptic Protein Content By Typical and Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
Sanz-Clemente, A. (PD/PI)
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
1/15/16 → 1/14/18
Project: Research project
Development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of human glioblastoma
Mazar, A. P. (PD/PI), James, C. D. (Co-PD/PI), Raizer, J. J. (Co-PD/PI) & Ugolkov, A. (Co-PD/PI)
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
1/1/16 → 12/31/17
Project: Research project
Store-operated channels in the nervous system
Prakriya, M. (PD/PI) & Yamashita, M. (Other)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Research project
Validation of SNPs Highly Correlated with Pediatric Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Burridge, P. (PD/PI)
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Research project
KCNB1 Mutation
Kearney, J. A. (PD/PI) & Vanoye, C. G. (Co-Investigator)
12/11/15 → 12/11/16
Project: Research project
The Conduct of Studies on Characterizing the Mechanism of Action of the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)
Swanson, G. T. (PD/PI)
12/2/15 → 5/2/17
Project: Research project
A Polymorphic MYBPC3 Variant As A Major Risk Factor of Cardiomyopathy in South Asian descendants LUC
McNally, E. M. (PD/PI) & Roy-Puckelwartz, M. J. (Other)
Loyola University Chicago, American Heart Association
12/1/15 → 8/14/16
Project: Research project
Association of ALS to gene-environment mediated changes in HDL proteins
Siddique, T. (PD/PI), Deng, H.-X. (Co-Investigator), Lukas, T. J. (Co-Investigator) & Rademaker, A. W. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
11/1/15 → 4/30/18
Project: Research project
Preclinical development of a selective attenuator of neuroinflammation for MCI/AD
Watterson, D. M. (PD/PI) & Roy, S. M. (Other)
University of Kentucky, National Institute on Aging
9/1/15 → 4/30/19
Project: Research project
Genetic tools to study CNS development and function
Awatramani, R. (PD/PI) & Caronia-Brown, G. (Co-Investigator)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
9/1/15 → 8/31/17
Project: Research project
Genomic Medicine at Northwestern: Discovery and Implementation
Chisholm, R. L. (PD/PI), Smith, M. E. (PD/PI), George, A. L. (Co-Investigator), Hayes, M. G. (Co-Investigator), Kho, A. N. (Co-Investigator), McNally, E. M. (Co-Investigator), Rasmussen-Torvik, L. J. (Co-Investigator), Starren, J. (Co-Investigator), Aufox, S. A. (Other) & Roy-Puckelwartz, M. J. (Other)
National Human Genome Research Institute
9/1/15 → 6/30/20
Project: Research project
Modeling the role of the genome in chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity using iPSC
Burridge, P. (PD/PI)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
9/1/15 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
Role of CK2 in NMDAR trafficking during development and in Alzheimer's disease
Sanz-Clemente, A. (PD/PI)
8/15/15 → 3/31/18
Project: Research project