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  • Binary black-hole simulation SXS:BBH:0313

    Boyle, M. (Contributor), Hemberger, D. (Contributor), Iozzo, D. A. B. (Contributor), Lovelace, G. (Contributor), Ossokine, S. (Contributor), Pfeiffer, H. P. (Contributor), Scheel, M. A. (Contributor), Stein, L. C. (Contributor), Woodford, C. J. (Contributor), Zimmerman, A. B. (Contributor), Afshari, N. (Contributor), Barkett, K. (Contributor), Blackman, J. (Contributor), Chatziioannou, K. (Contributor), Chu, T. (Contributor), Demos, N. (Contributor), Deppe, N. (Contributor), Field, S. E. (Contributor), Fischer, N. L. (Contributor), Foley, E. (Contributor), Fong, H. (Contributor), Garcia, A. (Contributor), Giesler, M. (Contributor), Hebert, F. (Contributor), Hinder, I. (Contributor), Katebi, R. (Contributor), Khan, H. (Contributor), Kidder, L. E. (Contributor), Kumar, P. (Contributor), Kuper, K. (Contributor), Lim, H. (Contributor), Okounkova, M. (Contributor), Ramirez, T. (Contributor), Rodriguez, S. (Contributor), Rüter, H. R. (Contributor), Schmidt, P. (Contributor), Szilagyi, B. (Contributor), Teukolsky, S. A. (Contributor), Varma, V. (Contributor), Walker, M. (Contributor), Abbott, B. P. (Contributor), Abbott, R. (Contributor), Abbott, T. D. (Contributor), Abernathy, M. R. (Contributor), Acernese, F. (Contributor), Ackley, K. (Contributor), Adams, C. (Contributor), Adams, T. (Contributor), Addesso, P. (Contributor), Adhikari, R. X. (Contributor), Adya, V. B. (Contributor), Affeldt, C. (Contributor), Agathos, M. (Contributor), Agatsuma, K. (Contributor), Aggarwal, N. (Contributor), Aguiar, O. D. (Contributor), Aiello, L. (Contributor), Ain, A. (Contributor), Ajith, P. (Contributor), Allen, B. (Contributor), Allocca, A. (Contributor), Altin, P. A. (Contributor), Anderson, S. B. (Contributor), Anderson, W. G. (Contributor), Arai, K. (Contributor), Araya, M. C. (Contributor), Arceneaux, C. C. (Contributor), Areeda, J. S. (Contributor), Arnaud, N. (Contributor), Arun, K. G. (Contributor), Ascenzi, S. (Contributor), Ashton, G. (Contributor), Ast, M. (Contributor), Aston, S. M. (Contributor), Astone, P. (Contributor), Aufmuth, P. (Contributor), Aulbert, C. (Contributor), Babak, S. (Contributor), Bacon, P. (Contributor), Bader, M. K. M. (Contributor), Baker, P. T. (Contributor), Baldaccini, F. (Contributor), Ballardin, G. (Contributor), Ballmer, S. W. (Contributor), Barayoga, J. C. (Contributor), Barclay, S. E. (Contributor), Barish, B. C. (Contributor), Barker, D. (Contributor), Barone, F. (Contributor), Barr, B. (Contributor), Barsotti, L. (Contributor), Barsuglia, M. (Contributor), Barta, D. (Contributor), Bartlett, J. (Contributor), Bartos, I. (Contributor), Bassiri, R. (Contributor), Basti, A. (Contributor), Batch, J. C. (Contributor), Baune, C. (Contributor), Bavigadda, V. (Contributor), Bazzan, M. (Contributor), Bejger, M. (Contributor), Bell, A. S. (Contributor), Berger, B. K. (Contributor), Bergmann, G. (Contributor), Berry, C. P. L. (Contributor), Bersanetti, D. (Contributor), Bertolini, A. (Contributor), Betzwieser, J. (Contributor), Bhagwat, S. (Contributor), Bhandare, R. (Contributor), Bilenko, I. A. (Contributor), Billingsley, G. (Contributor), Birch, J. (Contributor), Birney, R. (Contributor), Biscans, S. (Contributor), Bisht, A. (Contributor), Bitossi, M. (Contributor), Biwer, C. (Contributor), Bizouard, M. A. (Contributor), Blackburn, J. K. (Contributor), Blair, C. D. (Contributor), Blair, D. G. (Contributor), Blair, R. M. (Contributor), Bloemen, S. (Contributor), Bock, O. (Contributor), Boer, M. (Contributor), Bogaert, G. (Contributor), Bogan, C. (Contributor), Bohe, A. (Contributor), Bond, C. (Contributor), Bondu, F. (Contributor), Bonnand, R. (Contributor), Boom, B. A. (Contributor), Bork, R. (Contributor), Boschi, V. (Contributor), Bose, S. (Contributor), Bouffanais, Y. (Contributor), Bozzi, A. (Contributor), Bradaschia, C. (Contributor), Brady, P. R. (Contributor), Braginsky, V. B. (Contributor), Branchesi, M. (Contributor), Brau, J. E. (Contributor), Briant, T. (Contributor), Brillet, A. (Contributor), Brinkmann, M. (Contributor), Brisson, V. (Contributor), Brockill, P. (Contributor), Broida, J. E. (Contributor), Brooks, A. F. (Contributor), Brown, D. A. (Contributor), Brown, D. D. (Contributor), Brown, N. M. (Contributor), Brunett, S. (Contributor), Buchanan, C. C. (Contributor), Buikema, A. (Contributor), Bulik, T. (Contributor), Bulten, H. J. (Contributor), Buonanno, A. (Contributor), Buskulic, D. (Contributor), Buy, C. (Contributor), Byer, R. L. (Contributor), Cabero, M. (Contributor), Cadonati, L. (Contributor), Cagnoli, G. (Contributor), Cahillane, C. (Contributor), Calderon, B. J. (Contributor), Callister, T. (Contributor), Calloni, E. (Contributor), Camp, J. B. (Contributor), Cannon, K. C. (Contributor), Cao, J. (Contributor), Capano, C. D. (Contributor), Capocasa, E. (Contributor), Carbognani, F. (Contributor), Caride, S. (Contributor), Casanueva, D. J. (Contributor), Casentini, C. (Contributor), Caudill, S. (Contributor), Cavaglia, M. (Contributor), Cavalier, F. (Contributor), Cavalieri, R. (Contributor), Cella, G. (Contributor), Cepeda, C. B. (Contributor), Cerboni, B. L. (Contributor), Cerretani, G. (Contributor), Cesarini, E. (Contributor), Chamberlin, S. J. (Contributor), Chan, M. (Contributor), Chao, S. (Contributor), Charlton, P. (Contributor), Chassande-Mottin, E. (Contributor), Cheeseboro, B. D. (Contributor), Chen, H. Y. (Contributor), Chen, Y. (Contributor), Cheng, C. (Contributor), Chincarini, A. (Contributor), Chiummo, A. (Contributor), Cho, H. S. (Contributor), Cho, M. (Contributor), Chow, J. H. (Contributor), Christensen, N. (Contributor), Chu, Q. (Contributor), Chua, S. (Contributor), Chung, S. (Contributor), Ciani, G. (Contributor), Clara, F. (Contributor), Clark, J. A. (Contributor), Cleva, F. (Contributor), Coccia, E. (Contributor), Cohadon, P.-F. (Contributor), Colla, A. (Contributor), Collette, C. G. (Contributor), Cominsky, L. (Contributor), Constancio, M. (Contributor), Conte, A. (Contributor), Conti, L. (Contributor), Cook, D. (Contributor), Corbitt, T. R. (Contributor), Cornish, N. (Contributor), Corsi, A. (Contributor), Cortese, S. (Contributor), Costa, C. A. (Contributor), Coughlin, M. W. (Contributor), Coughlin, S. B. (Contributor), Coulon, J.-P. (Contributor), Countryman, S. T. (Contributor), Couvares, P. (Contributor), Cowan, E. E. (Contributor), Coward, D. M. (Contributor), Cowart, M. J. (Contributor), Coyne, D. C. (Contributor), Coyne, R. (Contributor), Craig, K. (Contributor), Creighton, J. D. E. (Contributor), Cripe, J. (Contributor), Crowder, S. G. (Contributor), Cumming, A. (Contributor), Cunningham, L. (Contributor), Cuoco, E. (Contributor), Dal, C. T. (Contributor), Danilishin, S. L. (Contributor), D'Antonio, S. (Contributor), Danzmann, K. (Contributor), Darman, N. S. (Contributor), Dasgupta, A. (Contributor), Da, S. C. C. F. (Contributor), Dattilo, V. (Contributor), Dave, I. (Contributor), Davier, M. (Contributor), Davies, G. S. (Contributor), Daw, E. J. (Contributor), Day, R. (Contributor), De, S. (Contributor), Debra, D. (Contributor), Debreczeni, G. (Contributor), Degallaix, J. (Contributor), De, L. M. (Contributor), Deleglise, S. (Contributor), Del, P. W. (Contributor), Denker, T. (Contributor), Dent, T. (Contributor), Dergachev, V. (Contributor), De, R. R. (Contributor), Derosa, R. T. (Contributor), Desalvo, R. (Contributor), Devine, R. C. (Contributor), Dhurandhar, S. (Contributor), Diaz, M. C. (Contributor), Di, F. L. (Contributor), Di, G. M. (Contributor), Di, G. T. (Contributor), Di, L. A. (Contributor), Di, P. S. (Contributor), Di, P. I. (Contributor), Di, V. A. (Contributor), Dolique, V. (Contributor), Donovan, F. (Contributor), Dooley, K. L. (Contributor), Doravari, S. (Contributor), Douglas, R. (Contributor), Downes, T. P. (Contributor), Drago, M. (Contributor), Drever, R. W. P. (Contributor), Driggers, J. C. (Contributor), Ducrot, M. (Contributor), Dwyer, S. E. (Contributor), Edo, T. B. (Contributor), Edwards, M. C. (Contributor), Effler, A. (Contributor), Eggenstein, H.-B. (Contributor), Ehrens, P. (Contributor), Eichholz, J. (Contributor), Eikenberry, S. S. (Contributor), Engels, W. (Contributor), Essick, R. C. (Contributor), Etzel, T. (Contributor), Evans, M. (Contributor), Evans, T. M. (Contributor), Everett, R. (Contributor), Factourovich, M. (Contributor), Fafone, V. (Contributor), Fair, H. (Contributor), Fan, X. (Contributor), Fang, Q. (Contributor), Farinon, S. (Contributor), Farr, B. (Contributor), Farr, W. M. (Contributor), Favata, M. (Contributor), Fays, M. (Contributor), Fehrmann, H. (Contributor), Fejer, M. M. (Contributor), Fenyvesi, E. (Contributor), Ferrante, I. (Contributor), Ferreira, E. C. (Contributor), Ferrini, F. (Contributor), Fidecaro, F. (Contributor), Fiori, I. (Contributor), Fiorucci, D. (Contributor), Fisher, R. P. (Contributor), Flaminio, R. (Contributor), Fletcher, M. (Contributor), Fournier, J.-D. (Contributor), Frasca, S. (Contributor), Frasconi, F. (Contributor), Frei, Z. (Contributor), Freise, A. (Contributor), Frey, R. (Contributor), Frey, V. (Contributor), Fritschel, P. (Contributor), Frolov, V. V. (Contributor), Fulda, P. (Contributor), Fyffe, M. (Contributor), Gabbard, H. A. G. (Contributor), Gair, J. R. (Contributor), Gammaitoni, L. (Contributor), Gaonkar, S. G. (Contributor), Garufi, F. (Contributor), Gaur, G. (Contributor), Gehrels, N. (Contributor), Gemme, G. (Contributor), Geng, P. (Contributor), Genin, E. (Contributor), Gennai, A. (Contributor), George, J. (Contributor), Gergely, L. (Contributor), Germain, V. (Contributor), Ghosh, A. (Contributor), Ghosh, A. (Contributor), Ghosh, S. (Contributor), Giaime, J. A. (Contributor), Giardina, K. D. (Contributor), Giazotto, A. (Contributor), Gill, K. (Contributor), Glaefke, A. (Contributor), Goetz, E. (Contributor), Goetz, R. (Contributor), Gondan, L. (Contributor), Gonzalez, G. (Contributor), Gonzalez, C. J. M. (Contributor), Gopakumar, A. (Contributor), Gordon, N. A. (Contributor), Gorodetsky, M. L. (Contributor), Gossan, S. E. (Contributor), Gosselin, M. (Contributor), Gouaty, R. (Contributor), Grado, A. (Contributor), Graef, C. (Contributor), Graff, P. B. (Contributor), Granata, M. (Contributor), Grant, A. (Contributor), Gras, S. (Contributor), Gray, C. (Contributor), Greco, G. (Contributor), Green, A. C. (Contributor), Groot, P. (Contributor), Grote, H. (Contributor), Grunewald, S. (Contributor), Guidi, G. M. (Contributor), Guo, X. (Contributor), Gupta, A. (Contributor), Gupta, M. K. (Contributor), Gushwa, K. E. (Contributor), Gustafson, E. K. (Contributor), Gustafson, R. (Contributor), Hacker, J. J. (Contributor), Hall, B. R. (Contributor), Hall, E. D. (Contributor), Hammond, G. (Contributor), Haney, M. (Contributor), Hanke, M. M. (Contributor), Hanks, J. (Contributor), Hanna, C. (Contributor), Hanson, J. (Contributor), Hardwick, T. (Contributor), Harms, J. (Contributor), Harry, G. M. (Contributor), Harry, I. W. (Contributor), Hart, M. J. (Contributor), Hartman, M. T. (Contributor), Haster, C.-J. (Contributor), Haughian, K. (Contributor), Heidmann, A. (Contributor), Heintze, M. C. (Contributor), Heitmann, H. (Contributor), Hello, P. (Contributor), Hemming, G. (Contributor), Hendry, M. (Contributor), Heng, I. S. (Contributor), Hennig, J. (Contributor), Henry, J. (Contributor), Heptonstall, A. W. (Contributor), Heurs, M. (Contributor), Hild, S. (Contributor), Hoak, D. (Contributor), Hofman, D. (Contributor), Holt, K. (Contributor), Holz, D. E. (Contributor), Hopkins, P. (Contributor), Hough, J. (Contributor), Houston, E. A. (Contributor), Howell, E. J. (Contributor), Hu, Y. M. (Contributor), Huang, S. (Contributor), Huerta, E. A. (Contributor), Huet, D. (Contributor), Hughey, B. (Contributor), Huttner, S. H. (Contributor), Huynh-Dinh, T. (Contributor), Indik, N. (Contributor), Ingram, D. R. (Contributor), Inta, R. (Contributor), Isa, H. N. (Contributor), Isac, J.-M. (Contributor), Isi, M. (Contributor), Isogai, T. (Contributor), Iyer, B. R. (Contributor), Izumi, K. (Contributor), Jacqmin, T. (Contributor), Jang, H. (Contributor), Jani, K. (Contributor), Jaranowski, P. (Contributor), Jawahar, S. (Contributor), Jian, L. (Contributor), Jimenez-Forteza, F. (Contributor), Johnson, W. W. (Contributor), Jones, D. I. (Contributor), Jones, R. (Contributor), Jonker, R. J. G. (Contributor), Ju, L. (Contributor), Haris, K. (Contributor), Kalaghatgi, C. V. (Contributor), Kalogera, V. (Contributor), Kandhasamy, S. (Contributor), Kang, G. (Contributor), Kanner, J. B. (Contributor), Kapadia, S. J. (Contributor), Karki, S. (Contributor), Karvinen, K. S. (Contributor), Kasprzack, M. (Contributor), Katsavounidis, E. (Contributor), Katzman, W. (Contributor), Kaufer, S. (Contributor), Kaur, T. (Contributor), Kawabe, K. (Contributor), Kefelian, F. (Contributor), Kehl, M. S. (Contributor), Keitel, D. (Contributor), Kelley, D. B. (Contributor), Kells, W. (Contributor), Kennedy, R. (Contributor), Key, J. S. (Contributor), Khalili, F. Y. (Contributor), Khan, I. (Contributor), Khan, Z. (Contributor), Khazanov, E. A. (Contributor), Kijbunchoo, N. (Contributor), Kim, C.-W. (Contributor), Kim, C. (Contributor), Kim, J. (Contributor), Kim, K. (Contributor), Kim, N. (Contributor), Kim, W. (Contributor), Kim, Y.-M. (Contributor), Kimbrell, S. J. (Contributor), King, E. J. (Contributor), King, P. J. (Contributor), Kissel, J. S. (Contributor), Klein, B. (Contributor), Kleybolte, L. (Contributor), Klimenko, S. (Contributor), Koehlenbeck, S. M. (Contributor), Koley, S. (Contributor), Kondrashov, V. (Contributor), Kontos, A. (Contributor), Korobko, M. (Contributor), Korth, W. Z. (Contributor), Kowalska, I. (Contributor), Kozak, D. B. (Contributor), Kringel, V. (Contributor), Krolak, A. (Contributor), Krueger, C. (Contributor), Kuehn, G. (Contributor), Kumar, R. (Contributor), Kuo, L. (Contributor), Kutynia, A. (Contributor), Lackey, B. D. (Contributor), Landry, M. (Contributor), Lange, J. (Contributor), Lantz, B. (Contributor), Lasky, P. D. (Contributor), Laxen, M. (Contributor), Lazzarini, A. (Contributor), Lazzaro, C. (Contributor), Leaci, P. (Contributor), Leavey, S. (Contributor), Lebigot, E. O. (Contributor), Lee, C. H. (Contributor), Lee, H. K. (Contributor), Lee, H. M. (Contributor), Lee, K. (Contributor), Lenon, A. (Contributor), Leonardi, M. (Contributor), Leong, J. R. (Contributor), Leroy, N. (Contributor), Letendre, N. (Contributor), Levin, Y. (Contributor), Lewis, J. B. (Contributor), Li, T. G. F. (Contributor), Libson, A. (Contributor), Littenberg, T. B. (Contributor), Lockerbie, N. A. (Contributor), Lombardi, A. L. (Contributor), Lord, J. E. (Contributor), Lorenzini, M. (Contributor), Loriette, V. (Contributor), Lormand, M. (Contributor), Losurdo, G. (Contributor), Lough, J. D. (Contributor), Luck, H. (Contributor), Lundgren, A. P. (Contributor), Lynch, R. (Contributor), Ma, Y. (Contributor), Machenschalk, B. (Contributor), Macinnis, M. (Contributor), Macleod, D. M. (Contributor), Magana-Sandoval, F. (Contributor), Zertuche, L. M. (Contributor), Magee, R. M. (Contributor), Majorana, E. (Contributor), Maksimovic, I. (Contributor), Malvezzi, V. (Contributor), Man, N. (Contributor), Mandic, V. (Contributor), Mangano, V. (Contributor), Mansell, G. L. (Contributor), Manske, M. (Contributor), Mantovani, M. (Contributor), Marchesoni, F. (Contributor), Marion, F. (Contributor), Marka, S. (Contributor), Marka, Z. (Contributor), Markosyan, A. S. (Contributor), Maros, E. (Contributor), Martelli, F. (Contributor), Martellini, L. (Contributor), Martin, I. W. (Contributor), Martynov, D. V. (Contributor), Marx, J. N. (Contributor), Mason, K. (Contributor), Masserot, A. (Contributor), Massinger, T. J. (Contributor), Masso-Reid, M. (Contributor), Mastrogiovanni, S. (Contributor), Matichard, F. (Contributor), Matone, L. (Contributor), Mavalvala, N. (Contributor), Mazumder, N. (Contributor), McCarthy, R. (Contributor), McClelland, D. E. (Contributor), McCormick, S. (Contributor), McGuire, S. C. (Contributor), McIntyre, G. (Contributor), McIver, J. (Contributor), McManus, D. J. (Contributor), McRae, T. (Contributor), McWilliams, S. T. (Contributor), Meacher, D. (Contributor), Meadors, G. D. (Contributor), Meidam, J. (Contributor), Melatos, A. (Contributor), Mendell, G. (Contributor), Mercer, R. A. (Contributor), Merilh, E. L. (Contributor), Merzougui, M. (Contributor), Meshkov, S. (Contributor), Messenger, C. (Contributor), Messick, C. (Contributor), Metzdorff, R. (Contributor), Meyers, P. M. (Contributor), Mezzani, F. (Contributor), Miao, H. (Contributor), Michel, C. (Contributor), Middleton, H. (Contributor), Mikhailov, E. E. (Contributor), Milano, L. (Contributor), Miller, A. L. (Contributor), Miller, A. (Contributor), Miller, B. B. (Contributor), Miller, J. (Contributor), Millhouse, M. (Contributor), Minenkov, Y. (Contributor), Ming, J. (Contributor), Mirshekari, S. (Contributor), Mishra, C. (Contributor), Mitra, S. (Contributor), Mitrofanov, V. P. (Contributor), Mitselmakher, G. (Contributor), Mittleman, R. (Contributor), Moggi, A. (Contributor), Mohan, M. (Contributor), Mohapatra, S. R. P. (Contributor), Montani, M. (Contributor), Moore, B. C. (Contributor), Moore, C. J. (Contributor), Moraru, D. (Contributor), Moreno, G. (Contributor), Morriss, S. R. (Contributor), Mossavi, K. (Contributor), Mours, B. (Contributor), Mow-Lowry, C. M. (Contributor), Mueller, G. (Contributor), Muir, A. W. (Contributor), Mukherjee, A. (Contributor), Mukherjee, D. (Contributor), Mukherjee, S. (Contributor), Mukund, N. (Contributor), Mullavey, A. (Contributor), Munch, J. (Contributor), Murphy, D. J. (Contributor), Murray, P. G. (Contributor), Mytidis, A. (Contributor), Nardecchia, I. (Contributor), Naticchioni, L. (Contributor), Nayak, R. K. (Contributor), Nedkova, K. (Contributor), Nelemans, G. (Contributor), Nelson, T. J. N. (Contributor), Neri, M. (Contributor), Neunzert, A. (Contributor), Newton, G. (Contributor), Nguyen, T. T. (Contributor), Nielsen, A. B. (Contributor), Nissanke, S. (Contributor), Nitz, A. (Contributor), Nocera, F. (Contributor), Nolting, D. (Contributor), Normandin, M. E. N. (Contributor), Nuttall, L. K. (Contributor), Oberling, J. (Contributor), Ochsner, E. (Contributor), O'Dell, J. (Contributor), Oelker, E. (Contributor), Ogin, G. H. (Contributor), Oh, J. J. (Contributor), Oh, S. H. (Contributor), Ohme, F. (Contributor), Oliver, M. (Contributor), Oppermann, P. (Contributor), Oram, R. J. (Contributor), O'Reilly, B. (Contributor), O'Shaughnessy, R. (Contributor), Ottaway, D. J. (Contributor), Overmier, H. (Contributor), Owen, B. J. (Contributor), Pai, A. (Contributor), Pai, S. A. (Contributor), Palamos, J. R. (Contributor), Palashov, O. (Contributor), Palomba, C. (Contributor), Pal-Singh, A. (Contributor), Pan, H. (Contributor), Pankow, C. (Contributor), Pant, B. C. (Contributor), Paoletti, F. (Contributor), Paoli, A. (Contributor), Papa, M. A. (Contributor), Paris, H. R. (Contributor), Parker, W. (Contributor), Pascucci, D. (Contributor), Pasqualetti, A. (Contributor), Passaquieti, R. (Contributor), Passuello, D. (Contributor), Patricelli, B. (Contributor), Patrick, Z. (Contributor), Pearlstone, B. L. (Contributor), Pedraza, M. (Contributor), Pedurand, R. (Contributor), Pekowsky, L. (Contributor), Pele, A. (Contributor), Penn, S. (Contributor), Perreca, A. (Contributor), Perri, L. M. (Contributor), Phelps, M. (Contributor), Piccinni, O. J. (Contributor), Pichot, M. (Contributor), Piergiovanni, F. (Contributor), Pierro, V. (Contributor), Pillant, G. (Contributor), Pinard, L. (Contributor), Pinto, I. M. (Contributor), Pitkin, M. (Contributor), Poe, M. (Contributor), Poggiani, R. (Contributor), Popolizio, P. (Contributor), Post, A. (Contributor), Powell, J. (Contributor), Prasad, J. (Contributor), Predoi, V. (Contributor), Prestegard, T. (Contributor), Price, L. R. (Contributor), Prijatelj, M. (Contributor), Principe, M. (Contributor), Privitera, S. (Contributor), Prodi, G. A. (Contributor), Prokhorov, L. (Contributor), Puncken, O. (Contributor), Punturo, M. (Contributor), Puppo, P. (Contributor), Purrer, M. (Contributor), Qi, H. (Contributor), Qin, J. (Contributor), Qiu, S. (Contributor), Quetschke, V. (Contributor), Quintero, E. A. (Contributor), Quitzow-James, R. (Contributor), Raab, F. J. (Contributor), Rabeling, D. S. (Contributor), Radkins, H. (Contributor), Raffai, P. (Contributor), Raja, S. (Contributor), Rajan, C. (Contributor), Rakhmanov, M. (Contributor), Rapagnani, P. (Contributor), Raymond, V. (Contributor), Razzano, M. (Contributor), Re, V. (Contributor), Read, J. (Contributor), Reed, C. M. (Contributor), Regimbau, T. (Contributor), Rei, L. (Contributor), Reid, S. (Contributor), Reitze, D. H. (Contributor), Rew, H. (Contributor), Reyes, S. D. (Contributor), Ricci, F. (Contributor), Riles, K. (Contributor), Rizzo, M. (Contributor), Robertson, N. A. (Contributor), Robie, R. (Contributor), Robinet, F. (Contributor), Rocchi, A. (Contributor), Rolland, L. (Contributor), Rollins, J. G. (Contributor), Roma, V. J. (Contributor), Romano, J. D. (Contributor), Romano, R. (Contributor), Romanov, G. (Contributor), Romie, J. H. (Contributor), Rosinska, D. (Contributor), Rowan, S. (Contributor), Rudiger, A. (Contributor), Ruggi, P. (Contributor), Ryan, K. (Contributor), Sachdev, S. (Contributor), Sadecki, T. (Contributor), Sadeghian, L. (Contributor), Sakellariadou, M. (Contributor), Salconi, L. (Contributor), Saleem, M. (Contributor), Salemi, F. (Contributor), Samajdar, A. (Contributor), Sammut, L. (Contributor), Sanchez, E. J. (Contributor), Sandberg, V. (Contributor), Sandeen, B. (Contributor), Sanders, J. R. (Contributor), Sassolas, B. (Contributor), Saulson, P. R. (Contributor), Sauter, O. E. S. (Contributor), Savage, R. L. (Contributor), Sawadsky, A. (Contributor), Schale, P. (Contributor), Schilling, R. (Contributor), Schmidt, J. (Contributor), Schnabel, R. (Contributor), Schofield, R. M. S. (Contributor), Schonbeck, A. (Contributor), Schreiber, E. (Contributor), Schuette, D. (Contributor), Schutz, B. F. (Contributor), Scott, J. (Contributor), Scott, S. M. (Contributor), Sellers, D. (Contributor), Sengupta, A. S. (Contributor), Sentenac, D. (Contributor), Sequino, V. (Contributor), Sergeev, A. (Contributor), Setyawati, Y. (Contributor), Shaddock, D. A. (Contributor), Shaffer, T. (Contributor), Shahriar, M. S. (Contributor), Shaltev, M. (Contributor), Shapiro, B. (Contributor), Shawhan, P. (Contributor), Sheperd, A. (Contributor), Shoemaker, D. H. (Contributor), Siellez, K. (Contributor), Siemens, X. (Contributor), Sieniawska, M. (Contributor), Sigg, D. (Contributor), Silva, A. D. (Contributor), Singer, A. (Contributor), Singer, L. P. (Contributor), Singh, A. (Contributor), Singh, R. (Contributor), Singhal, A. (Contributor), Sintes, A. M. (Contributor), Slagmolen, B. J. J. (Contributor), Smith, J. R. (Contributor), Smith, N. D. (Contributor), Smith, R. J. E. (Contributor), Son, E. J. (Contributor), Sorazu, B. (Contributor), Sorrentino, F. (Contributor), Souradeep, T. (Contributor), Srivastava, A. K. (Contributor), Staley, A. (Contributor), Steinke, M. (Contributor), Steinlechner, J. (Contributor), Steinlechner, S. (Contributor), Steinmeyer, D. (Contributor), Stephens, B. C. (Contributor), Stone, R. (Contributor), Strain, K. A. (Contributor), Straniero, N. (Contributor), Stratta, G. (Contributor), Strauss, N. A. (Contributor), Strigin, S. (Contributor), Sturani, R. (Contributor), Stuver, A. L. (Contributor), Summerscales, T. Z. (Contributor), Sun, L. (Contributor), Sunil, S. (Contributor), Sutton, P. J. (Contributor), Swinkels, B. L. (Contributor), Szczepanczyk, M. J. (Contributor), Tacca, M. (Contributor), Talukder, D. (Contributor), Tanner, D. B. (Contributor), Tapai, M. (Contributor), Tarabrin, S. P. (Contributor), Taracchini, A. (Contributor), Taylor, R. (Contributor), Theeg, T. (Contributor), Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. (Contributor), Thomas, E. G. (Contributor), Thomas, M. (Contributor), Thomas, P. (Contributor), Thorne, K. A. (Contributor), Thorne, K. S. (Contributor), Thrane, E. (Contributor), Tiwari, S. (Contributor), Tiwari, V. (Contributor), Tokmakov, K. V. (Contributor), Toland, K. (Contributor), Tomlinson, C. (Contributor), Tonelli, M. (Contributor), Tornasi, Z. (Contributor), Torres, C. V. (Contributor), Torrie, C. I. (Contributor), Toyra, D. (Contributor), Travasso, F. (Contributor), Traylor, G. (Contributor), Trifiro, D. (Contributor), Tringali, M. C. (Contributor), Trozzo, L. (Contributor), Tse, M. (Contributor), Turconi, M. (Contributor), Tuyenbayev, D. (Contributor), Ugolini, D. (Contributor), Unnikrishnan, C. S. (Contributor), Urban, A. L. (Contributor), Usman, S. A. (Contributor), Vahlbruch, H. (Contributor), Vajente, G. (Contributor), Valdes, G. (Contributor), Van, B. N. (Contributor), Van, B. M. (Contributor), Van, D. B. J. F. J. (Contributor), Van, D. B. C. (Contributor), Vander-Hyde, D. C. (Contributor), Van, D. S. L. (Contributor), Van, H. J. V. (Contributor), Van, V. A. A. (Contributor), Vardaro, M. (Contributor), Vass, S. (Contributor), Vasuth, M. (Contributor), Vaulin, R. (Contributor), Vecchio, A. (Contributor), Vedovato, G. (Contributor), Veitch, J. (Contributor), Veitch, P. J. (Contributor), Venkateswara, K. (Contributor), Verkindt, D. (Contributor), Vetrano, F. (Contributor), Vicere, A. (Contributor), Vinciguerra, S. (Contributor), Vine, D. J. (Contributor), Vinet, J.-Y. (Contributor), Vitale, S. (Contributor), Vo, T. (Contributor), Vocca, H. (Contributor), Vorvick, C. (Contributor), Voss, D. V. (Contributor), Vousden, W. D. (Contributor), Vyatchanin, S. P. (Contributor), Wade, A. R. (Contributor), Wade, L. E. (Contributor), Wade, M. (Contributor), Wallace, L. (Contributor), Walsh, S. (Contributor), Wang, G. (Contributor), Wang, H. (Contributor), Wang, M. (Contributor), Wang, X. (Contributor), Wang, Y. (Contributor), Ward, R. L. (Contributor), Warner, J. (Contributor), Was, M. (Contributor), Weaver, B. (Contributor), Wei, L.-W. (Contributor), Weinert, M. (Contributor), Weinstein, A. J. (Contributor), Weiss, R. (Contributor), Wen, L. (Contributor), Wessels, P. (Contributor), Westphal, T. (Contributor), Wette, K. (Contributor), Whelan, J. T. (Contributor), Whiting, B. F. (Contributor), Williams, R. D. (Contributor), Williamson, A. R. (Contributor), Willis, J. L. (Contributor), Willke, B. (Contributor), Wimmer, M. H. (Contributor), Winkler, W. (Contributor), Wipf, C. C. (Contributor), Wittel, H. (Contributor), Woan, G. (Contributor), Woehler, J. (Contributor), Worden, J. (Contributor), Wright, J. L. (Contributor), Wu, D. S. (Contributor), Wu, G. (Contributor), Yablon, J. (Contributor), Yam, W. (Contributor), Yamamoto, H. (Contributor), Yancey, C. C. (Contributor), Yu, H. (Contributor), Yvert, M. (Contributor), Zadrozny, A. (Contributor), Zangrando, L. (Contributor), Zanolin, M. (Contributor), Zendri, J.-P. (Contributor), Zevin, M. (Contributor), Zhang, L. (Contributor), Zhang, M. (Contributor), Zhang, Y. (Contributor), Zhao, C. (Contributor), Zhou, M. (Contributor), Zhou, Z. (Contributor), Zhu, X. J. (Contributor), Zucker, M. E. (Contributor), Zuraw, S. E. (Contributor), Zweizig, J. (Contributor), Campanelli, M. (Contributor), Clark, M. (Contributor), Fauchon-Jones, E. (Contributor), Healy, J. (Contributor), Husa, S. (Contributor), Kalaghati, C. (Contributor), Khan, S. (Contributor), Kinsey, M. (Contributor), Laguna, P. (Contributor), London, L. T. (Contributor), Lousto, C. O. (Contributor), Pannarale, F. (Contributor), Shoemaker, D. M. (Contributor), Vinuales, A. V. (Contributor), Zlochower, Y. (Contributor) & Collaboration), (Creator), ZENODO, Jul 10 2019


  • CCDC 986216: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Narayanan, A. (Creator), Cao, D. (Creator), Frazer, L. (Creator), Tayi, A. S. (Creator), Blackburn, A. K. (Creator), Sue, A.C.-H. (Creator), Ketterson, J. B. (Creator), Stoddart, J. F. (Creator) & Stupp, S. I. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2017


  • LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) bursts with GRBs

    Abadie, J. (Creator), Abbott, B. P. (Creator), Abbott, R. (Creator), Abbott, T. D. (Creator), Abernathy, M. (Creator), Accadia, T. (Creator), Acernese, F. (Creator), Adams, C. (Creator), Adhikari, R. X. (Creator), Affeldt, C. (Creator), Agathos, M. (Creator), Agatsuma, K. (Creator), Ajith, P. (Creator), Allen, B. (Creator), Ceron, E. A. (Creator), Amariutei, D. (Creator), Anderson, S. B. (Creator), Anderson, W. G. (Creator), Arai, K. (Creator), Arain, M. A. (Creator), Araya, M. C. (Creator), Aston, S. M. (Creator), Astone, P. (Creator), Atkinson, D. (Creator), Aufmuth, P. (Creator), Aulbert, C. (Creator), Aylott, B. E. (Creator), Babak, S. (Creator), Baker, P. (Creator), Ballardin, G. (Creator), Ballmer, S. (Creator), Barayoga, J. C. B. (Contributor), Barker, D. (Creator), Barone, F. (Creator), Barr, B. (Creator), Barsotti, L. (Creator), Barsuglia, M. (Creator), Barton, M. A. (Creator), Bartos, I. (Creator), Bassiri, R. (Creator), Bastarrika, M. (Creator), Basti, A. (Creator), Batch, J. (Creator), Bauchrowitz, J. (Creator), Bauer, T. S. (Contributor), Bebronne, M. (Creator), Beck, D. (Creator), Behnke, B. (Creator), Bejger, M. (Creator), Beker, M. G. (Creator), Bell, A. S. (Creator), Belopolski, I. (Creator), Benacquista, M. (Creator), Berliner, J. M. (Creator), Bertolini, A. (Creator), Betzwieser, J. (Creator), Beveridge, N. (Creator), Beyersdorf, P. T. (Creator), Bilenko, I. A. (Creator), Billingsley, G. (Creator), Birch, J. (Creator), Biswas, R. (Creator), Bitossi, M. (Creator), Bizouard, M. A. (Creator), Black, E. (Creator), Blackburn, J. K. (Creator), Blackburn, L. (Creator), Blair, D. (Creator), Bland, B. (Creator), Blom, M. (Creator), Bock, O. (Creator), Bodiya, T. P. (Creator), Bogan, C. (Creator), Bondarescu, R. (Creator), Bondu, F. (Creator), Bonelli, L. (Creator), Bonnand, R. (Creator), Bork, R. (Creator), Born, M. (Creator), Boschi, V. (Creator), Bose, S. (Creator), Bosi, L. (Creator), Bouhou, B. (Creator), Braccini, S. (Creator), Bradaschia, C. (Creator), Brady, P. R. (Creator), Braginsky, V. B. (Creator), Branchesi, M. (Creator), Brau, J. E. (Creator), Breyer, J. (Creator), Briant, T. (Creator), Bridges, D. O. (Creator), Brillet, A. (Creator), Brinkmann, M. (Creator), Brisson, V. (Creator), Britzger, M. (Creator), Brooks, A. F. (Creator), Brown, D. A. (Creator), Bulik, T. (Creator), Bulten, H. J. (Creator), Buonanno, A. (Creator), Burguet-Castell, J. (Creator), Buskulic, D. (Creator), Buy, C. (Creator), Byer, R. L. (Creator), Cadonati, L. (Creator), Calloni, E. (Creator), Camp, J. B. (Creator), Campsie, P. (Creator), Cannizzo, J. (Creator), Cannon, K. (Creator), Canuel, B. (Creator), Cao, J. (Creator), Capano, C. D. (Creator), Carbognani, F. (Creator), Carbone, L. (Creator), Caride, S. (Creator), Caudill, S. (Creator), Cavaglia, M. (Contributor), Cavalier, F. (Creator), Cavalieri, R. (Creator), Cella, G. (Creator), Cepeda, C. (Creator), Cesarini, E. (Creator), Chaibi, O. (Creator), Chalermsongsak, T. (Creator), Charlton, P. (Creator), Chassande-Mottin, E. (Creator), Chelkowski, S. (Creator), Chen, W. (Creator), Chen, X. (Creator), Chen, Y. (Creator), Chincarini, A. (Creator), Chiummo, A. (Creator), Cho, H. S. (Creator), Chow, J. (Creator), Christensen, N. (Creator), Chua, S. S. Y. (Contributor), Chung, C. T. Y. (Creator), Chung, S. (Creator), Ciani, G. (Creator), Clara, F. (Creator), Clark, D. E. (Creator), Clark, J. (Creator), Clayton, J. H. (Creator), Cleva, F. (Creator), Coccia, E. (Creator), Cohadon, P.-F. (Creator), Colacino, C. N. (Creator), Colas, J. (Creator), Colla, A. (Creator), Colombini, M. (Creator), Conte, A. (Creator), Conte, R. (Creator), Cook, D. (Creator), Corbitt, T. R. (Creator), Cordier, M. (Creator), Cornish, N. (Creator), Corsi, A. (Creator), Costa, C. A. (Creator), Coughlin, M. (Creator), Coulon, J.-P. (Creator), Couvares, P. (Creator), Coward, D. M. (Creator), Cowart, M. (Creator), Coyne, D. C. (Creator), Creighton, J. D. E. (Creator), Creighton, T. D. (Creator), Cruise, A. M. (Creator), Cumming, A. (Creator), Cunningham, L. (Creator), Cuoco, E. (Creator), Cutler, R. M. (Creator), Dahl, K. (Creator), Danilishin, S. L. (Creator), Dannenberg, R. (Creator), D'Antonio, S. (Creator), Danzmann, K. (Creator), Dattilo, V. (Creator), Daudert, B. (Creator), Daveloza, H. (Creator), Davier, M. (Creator), Daw, E. J. (Creator), Day, R. (Creator), Dayanga, T. (Creator), De, R. R. (Creator), Debra, D. (Creator), Debreczeni, G. (Creator), Degallaix, J. (Creator), Del, P. W. (Creator), Del, P. M. (Creator), Dent, T. (Creator), Dergachev, V. (Creator), Derosa, R. (Contributor), Desalvo, R. (Contributor), Dhurandhar, S. (Creator), Di, F. L. (Creator), Di, L. A. (Creator), Di, P. I. (Creator), Di, P. E. M. (Creator), Di, V. A. (Creator), Diaz, M. (Contributor), Dietz, A. (Creator), Donovan, F. (Creator), Dooley, K. L. (Creator), Drago, M. (Creator), Drever, R. W. P. (Contributor), Driggers, J. C. (Creator), Du, Z. (Creator), Dumas, J.-C. (Creator), Dwyer, S. (Creator), Eberle, T. (Creator), Edgar, M. (Creator), Edwards, M. (Creator), Effler, A. (Creator), Ehrens, P. (Creator), Endrczi, G. (Contributor), Engel, R. (Creator), Etzel, T. (Creator), Evans, K. (Creator), Evans, M. (Creator), Evans, T. (Creator), Factourovich, M. (Creator), Fafone, V. (Creator), Fairhurst, S. (Creator), Fan, Y. (Creator), Farr, B. F. (Creator), Fazi, D. (Creator), Fehrmann, H. (Creator), Feldbaum, D. (Creator), Feroz, F. (Creator), Ferrante, I. (Creator), Fidecaro, F. (Creator), Finn, L. S. (Creator), Fiori, I. (Creator), Fisher, R. P. (Creator), Flaminio, R. (Creator), Flanigan, M. (Creator), Foley, S. (Creator), Forsi, E. (Creator), Forte, L. A. (Creator), Fotopoulos, N. (Creator), Fournier, J.-D. (Creator), Franc, J. (Creator), Franco, S. (Creator), Frasca, S. (Creator), Frasconi, F. (Creator), Frede, M. (Creator), Frei, M. (Creator), Frei, Z. (Creator), Freise, A. (Creator), Frey, R. (Creator), Fricke, T. T. (Creator), Friedrich, D. (Creator), Fritschel, P. (Creator), Frolov, V. V. (Creator), Fujimoto, M.-K. (Creator), Fulda, P. J. (Creator), Fyffe, M. (Creator), Gair, J. (Creator), Galimberti, M. (Creator), Gammaitoni, L. (Creator), Garcia, J. (Creator), Garufi, F. (Creator), Gaspar, M. E. (Contributor), Gehrels, N. (Creator), Gemme, G. (Creator), Geng, R. (Creator), Genin, E. (Creator), Gennai, A. (Creator), Gergely, L. A. (Creator), Ghosh, S. (Creator), Giaime, J. A. (Creator), Giampanis, S. (Creator), Giardina, K. D. (Creator), Giazotto, A. (Creator), Gil-Casanova, S. (Creator), Gill, C. (Creator), Gleason, J. (Creator), Goetz, E. (Creator), Goggin, L. M. (Creator), Gonzalez, G. (Contributor), Gorodetsky, M. L. (Creator), Goler, S. (Contributor), Gouaty, R. (Creator), Graef, C. (Creator), Graff, P. B. (Creator), Granata, M. (Creator), Grant, A. (Creator), Gras, S. (Creator), Gray, C. (Creator), Gray, N. (Creator), Greenhalgh, R. J. S. (Contributor), Gretarsson, A. M. (Creator), Greverie, C. (Creator), Grosso, R. (Creator), Grote, H. (Creator), Grunewald, S. (Creator), Guidi, G. M. (Creator), Guido, C. (Creator), Gupta, R. (Creator), Gustafson, E. K. (Creator), Gustafson, R. (Creator), Ha, T. (Creator), Hallam, J. M. (Creator), Hammer, D. (Creator), Hammond, G. (Creator), Hanks, J. (Creator), Hanna, C. (Creator), Hanson, J. (Creator), Hardt, A. (Creator), Harms, J. (Creator), Harry, G. M. (Creator), Harry, I. W. (Creator), Harstad, E. D. (Creator), Hartman, M. T. (Creator), Haughian, K. (Creator), Hayama, K. (Creator), Hayau, J.-F. (Creator), Heefner, J. (Creator), Heidmann, A. (Creator), Heintze, M. C. (Creator), Heitmann, H. (Creator), Hello, P. (Creator), Hendry, M. A. (Creator), Heng, I. S. (Creator), Heptonstall, A. W. (Creator), Herrera, V. (Creator), Hewitson, M. (Creator), Hild, S. (Creator), Hoak, D. (Creator), Hodge, K. A. (Creator), Holt, K. (Creator), Holtrop, M. (Creator), Hong, T. (Creator), Hooper, S. (Creator), Hosken, D. J. (Creator), Hough, J. (Creator), Howell, E. J. (Creator), Hughey, B. (Creator), Husa, S. (Creator), Huttner, S. H. (Creator), Huynh-Dinh, T. (Creator), Ingram, D. R. (Creator), Inta, R. (Creator), Isogai, T. (Creator), Ivanov, A. (Creator), Izumi, K. (Creator), Jacobson, M. (Creator), James, E. (Creator), Jang, Y. J. (Creator), Jaranowski, P. (Creator), Jesse, E. (Creator), Johnson, W. W. (Creator), Jones, D. I. (Creator), Jones, G. (Creator), Jones, R. (Creator), Jonker, R. J. G. (Contributor), Ju, L. (Creator), Kalmus, P. (Creator), Kalogera, V. (Creator), Kandhasamy, S. (Creator), Kang, G. (Creator), Kanner, J. B. (Creator), Kasturi, R. (Creator), Katsavounidis, E. (Creator), Katzman, W. (Creator), Kaufer, H. (Creator), Kawabe, K. (Creator), Kawamura, S. (Creator), Kawazoe, F. (Creator), Kelley, D. (Creator), Kells, W. (Creator), Keppel, D. G. (Creator), Keresztes, Z. (Creator), Khalaidovski, A. (Creator), Khalili, F. Y. (Creator), Khazanov, E. A. (Creator), Kim, B. K. (Creator), Kim, C. (Creator), Kim, H. (Creator), Kim, K. (Creator), Kim, N. (Creator), Kim, Y. M. (Creator), King, P. J. (Creator), Kinzel, D. L. (Creator), Kissel, J. S. (Creator), Klimenko, S. (Creator), Kokeyama, K. (Creator), Kondrashov, V. (Creator), Koranda, S. (Creator), Korth, W. Z. (Creator), Kowalska, I. (Creator), Kozak, D. (Creator), Kranz, O. (Creator), Kringel, V. (Creator), Krishnamurthy, S. (Creator), Krishnan, B. (Creator), Krolak, A. (Contributor), Kuehn, G. (Creator), Kumar, P. (Creator), Kumar, R. (Creator), Kwee, P. (Creator), Lam, P. K. (Creator), Landry, M. (Creator), Lantz, B. (Creator), Lastzka, N. (Creator), Lawrie, C. (Creator), Lazzarini, A. (Creator), Leaci, P. (Creator), Lee, C. H. (Creator), Lee, H. K. (Creator), Lee, H. M. (Creator), Leong, J. R. (Creator), Leonor, I. (Creator), Leroy, N. (Creator), Letendre, N. (Creator), Li, J. (Creator), Li, T. G. F. (Creator), Liguori, N. (Creator), Lindquist, P. E. (Creator), Liu, Y. (Creator), Liu, Z. (Creator), Lockerbie, N. A. (Creator), Lodhia, D. (Creator), Lorenzini, M. (Creator), Loriette, V. (Creator), Lormand, M. (Creator), Losurdo, G. (Creator), Lough, J. (Creator), Luan, J. (Creator), Lubinski, M. (Creator), Luck, H. (Contributor), Lundgren, A. P. (Creator), MacDonald, E. (Contributor), MacHenschalk, B. (Contributor), MacInnis, M. (Creator), MacLeod, D. M. (Contributor), Mageswaran, M. (Creator), Mailand, K. (Creator), Majorana, E. (Creator), Maksimovic, I. (Creator), Malvezzi, V. (Creator), Man, N. (Creator), Mandel, I. (Creator), Mandic, V. (Creator), Mantovani, M. (Creator), Marandi, A. (Creator), Marchesoni, F. (Creator), Marion, F. (Creator), Marka, S. (Contributor), Marka, Z. (Contributor), Markosyan, A. (Creator), Maros, E. (Creator), Marque, J. (Creator), Martelli, F. (Creator), Martin, I. W. (Creator), Martin, R. M. (Creator), Marx, J. N. (Creator), Mason, K. (Creator), Masserot, A. (Creator), Matichard, F. (Creator), Matone, L. (Creator), Matzner, R. A. (Creator), Mavalvala, N. (Creator), Mazzolo, G. (Creator), McCarthy, R. (Creator), McClelland, D. E. (Creator), McGuire, S. C. (Creator), McIntyre, G. (Creator), McIver, J. (Creator), McKechan, D. J. A. (Contributor), McWilliams, S. (Creator), Meadors, G. D. (Creator), Mehmet, M. (Creator), Meier, T. (Creator), Melatos, A. (Creator), Melissinos, A. C. (Creator), Mendell, G. (Creator), Mercer, R. A. (Creator), Meshkov, S. (Creator), Messenger, C. (Creator), Meyer, M. S. (Creator), Miao, H. (Creator), Michel, C. (Creator), Milano, L. (Creator), Miller, J. (Creator), Minenkov, Y. (Creator), Mitrofanov, V. P. (Creator), Mitselmakher, G. (Creator), Mittleman, R. (Creator), Miyakawa, O. (Creator), Moe, B. (Creator), Mohan, M. (Creator), Mohanty, S. D. (Creator), Mohapatra, S. R. P. (Contributor), Moraru, D. (Creator), Moreno, G. (Creator), Morgado, N. (Creator), Morgia, A. (Creator), Mori, T. (Creator), Morriss, S. R. (Creator), Mosca, S. (Creator), Mossavi, K. (Creator), Mours, B. (Creator), Mow-Lowry, C. M. (Creator), Mueller, C. L. (Creator), Mueller, G. (Creator), Mukherjee, S. (Creator), Mullavey, A. (Creator), Muller-Ebhardt, H. (Contributor), Munch, J. (Creator), Murphy, D. (Creator), Murray, P. G. (Creator), Mytidis, A. (Creator), Nash, T. (Creator), Naticchioni, L. (Creator), Necula, V. (Creator), Nelson, J. (Creator), Neri, I. (Creator), Newton, G. (Creator), Nguyen, T. (Creator), Nishizawa, A. (Creator), Nitz, A. (Creator), Nocera, F. (Creator), Nolting, D. (Creator), Normandin, M. E. (Creator), Nuttall, L. (Creator), Ochsner, E. (Creator), O'Dell, J. (Contributor), Oelker, E. (Creator), Ogin, G. H. (Creator), Oh, J. J. (Creator), Oh, S. H. (Creator), O'Reilly, B. (Contributor), O'Shaughnessy, R. (Contributor), Osthelder, C. (Creator), Ott, C. D. (Creator), Ottaway, D. J. (Creator), Ottens, R. S. (Creator), Overmier, H. (Creator), Owen, B. J. (Creator), Page, A. (Creator), Palladino, L. (Creator), Palomba, C. (Creator), Pan, Y. (Creator), Pankow, C. (Creator), Paoletti, F. (Creator), Paoletti, R. (Creator), Papa, M. A. (Creator), Parisi, M. (Creator), Pasqualetti, A. (Creator), Passaquieti, R. (Creator), Passuello, D. (Creator), Patel, P. (Creator), Pedraza, M. (Creator), Peiris, P. (Creator), Pekowsky, L. (Creator), Penn, S. (Creator), Perreca, A. (Creator), Persichetti, G. (Creator), Phelps, M. (Creator), Pichot, M. (Creator), Pickenpack, M. (Creator), Piergiovanni, F. (Creator), Pietka, M. (Creator), Pinard, L. (Creator), Pinto, I. M. (Creator), Pitkin, M. (Creator), Pletsch, H. J. (Creator), Plissi, M. V. (Creator), Poggiani, R. (Creator), Pold, J. (Contributor), Postiglione, F. (Creator), Prato, M. (Creator), Predoi, V. (Creator), Prestegard, T. (Creator), Price, L. R. (Creator), Prijatelj, M. (Creator), Principe, M. (Creator), Privitera, S. (Creator), Prix, R. (Creator), Prodi, G. A. (Creator), Prokhorov, L. G. (Creator), Puncken, O. (Creator), Punturo, M. (Creator), Puppo, P. (Creator), Quetschke, V. (Creator), Quitzow-James, R. (Creator), Raab, F. J. (Creator), Rabeling, D. S. (Creator), Racz, I. (Contributor), Radkins, H. (Creator), Raffai, P. (Creator), Rakhmanov, M. (Creator), Rankins, B. (Creator), Rapagnani, P. (Creator), Raymond, V. (Creator), Re, V. (Creator), Redwine, K. (Creator), Reed, C. M. (Creator), Reed, T. (Creator), Regimbau, T. (Creator), Reid, S. (Creator), Reitze, D. H. (Creator), Ricci, F. (Creator), Riesen, R. (Creator), Riles, K. (Creator), Robertson, N. A. (Creator), Robinet, F. (Creator), Robinson, C. (Creator), Robinson, E. L. (Creator), Rocchi, A. (Creator), Roddy, S. (Creator), Rodriguez, C. (Creator), Rodruck, M. (Creator), Rolland, L. (Creator), Rollins, J. G. (Creator), Romano, J. D. (Creator), Romano, R. (Creator), Romie, J. H. (Creator), Rosinska, D. (Contributor), Rover, C. (Contributor), Rowan, S. (Creator), Rudiger, A. (Contributor), Ruggi, P. (Creator), Ryan, K. (Creator), Sainathan, P. (Creator), Salemi, F. (Creator), Sammut, L. (Creator), Sandberg, V. (Creator), Sannibale, V. (Creator), Santamaria, L. (Contributor), Santiago-Prieto, I. (Creator), Santostasi, G. (Creator), Sassolas, B. (Creator), Sathyaprakash, B. S. (Creator), Sato, S. (Creator), Saulson, P. R. (Creator), Savage, R. L. (Creator), Schilling, R. (Creator), Schnabel, R. (Creator), Schofield, R. M. S. (Contributor), Schreiber, E. (Creator), Schulz, B. (Creator), Schutz, B. F. (Creator), Schwinberg, P. (Creator), Scott, J. (Creator), Scott, S. M. (Creator), Seifert, F. (Creator), Sellers, D. (Creator), Sentenac, D. (Creator), Sergeev, A. (Creator), Shaddock, D. A. (Creator), Shaltev, M. (Creator), Shapiro, B. (Creator), Shawhan, P. (Creator), Shoemaker, D. H. (Creator), Sibley, A. (Creator), Siemens, X. (Creator), Sigg, D. (Creator), Singer, A. (Creator), Singer, L. (Creator), Sintes, A. M. (Creator), Skelton, G. R. (Creator), Slagmolen, B. J. J. (Contributor), Slutsky, J. (Creator), Smith, J. R. (Creator), Smith, M. R. (Creator), Smith, R. J. E. (Creator), Smith-Lefebvre, N. D. (Creator), Somiya, K. (Creator), Sorazu, B. (Creator), Soto, J. (Creator), Speirits, F. C. (Creator), Sperandio, L. (Creator), Stefszky, M. (Creator), Stein, A. J. (Creator), Stein, L. C. (Creator), Steinert, E. (Creator), Steinlechner, J. (Creator), Steinlechner, S. (Creator), Steplewski, S. (Creator), Stochino, A. (Creator), Stone, R. (Creator), Strain, K. A. (Creator), Strigin, S. E. (Creator), Stroeer, A. S. (Creator), Sturani, R. (Creator), Stuver, A. L. (Creator), Summerscales, T. Z. (Creator), Sung, M. (Creator), Susmithan, S. (Creator), Sutton, P. J. (Creator), Swinkels, B. (Creator), Tacca, M. (Creator), Taffarello, L. (Creator), Talukder, D. (Creator), Tanner, D. B. (Creator), Tarabrin, S. P. (Creator), Taylor, J. R. (Creator), Taylor, R. (Creator), Ter, B. A. P. M. (Contributor), Thomas, P. (Creator), Thorne, K. A. (Creator), Thorne, K. S. (Creator), Thrane, E. (Creator), Thuring, A. (Contributor), Tokmakov, K. V. (Creator), Tomlinson, C. (Creator), Toncelli, A. (Creator), Tonelli, M. (Creator), Torre, O. (Creator), Torres, C. (Creator), Torrie, C. I. (Creator), Tournefier, E. (Creator), Tucker, E. (Creator), Travasso, F. (Creator), Traylor, G. (Creator), Tseng, K. (Creator), Ugolini, D. (Creator), Vahlbruch, H. (Creator), Vajente, G. (Creator), Van, D. B. J. F. J. (Contributor), Van, D. B. C. (Creator), Van, D. P. S. (Creator), Van, V. A. A. (Creator), Vass, S. (Creator), Vasuth, M. (Creator), Vaulin, R. (Creator), Vavoulidis, M. (Creator), Vecchio, A. (Creator), Vedovato, G. (Creator), Veitch, J. (Creator), Veitch, P. J. (Creator), Veltkamp, C. (Creator), Verkindt, D. (Creator), Vetrano, F. (Creator), Vicere, A. (Contributor), Villar, A. E. (Creator), Vinet, J.-Y. (Creator), Vitale, S. (Creator), Vocca, H. (Creator), Vorvick, C. (Creator), Vyatchanin, S. P. (Creator), Wade, A. (Creator), Wade, L. (Creator), Wade, M. (Creator), Waldman, S. J. (Creator), Wallace, L. (Creator), Wan, Y. (Creator), Wang, M. (Creator), Wang, X. (Creator), Wang, Z. (Creator), Wanner, A. (Creator), Ward, R. L. (Creator), Was, M. (Creator), Weinert, M. (Creator), Weinstein, A. J. (Creator), Weiss, R. (Creator), Wen, L. (Creator), Wessels, P. (Creator), West, M. (Creator), Westphal, T. (Creator), Wette, K. (Creator), Whelan, J. T. (Creator), Whitcomb, S. E. (Creator), White, D. J. (Creator), Whiting, B. F. (Creator), Wilkinson, C. (Creator), Willems, P. A. (Creator), Williams, L. (Creator), Williams, R. (Creator), Willke, B. (Creator), Winkelmann, L. (Creator), Winkler, W. (Creator), Wipf, C. C. (Creator), Wiseman, A. G. (Creator), Wittel, H. (Creator), Woan, G. (Creator), Wooley, R. (Creator), Worden, J. (Creator), Yakushin, I. (Creator), Yamamoto, H. (Creator), Yamamoto, K. (Creator), Yancey, C. C. (Creator), Yang, H. (Creator), Yeaton-Massey, D. (Creator), Yoshida, S. (Creator), Yu, P. (Creator), Yvert, M. (Creator), Zadrozny, A. (Creator), Zanolin, M. (Creator), Zendri, J.-P. (Creator), Zhang, F. (Creator), Zhang, L. (Creator), Zhang, W. (Creator), Zhao, C. (Creator), Zotov, N. (Creator), Zucker, M. E. (Creator), Zweizig, J. (Creator), Briggs, M. S. (Creator), Connaughton, V. (Creator), Hurley, K. C. (Creator), Jenke, P. A. (Creator), Von, K. A. (Creator), Rau, A. (Creator) & Zhang, X.-L. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2014


  • Binary black-hole simulation SXS:BBH:0310

    Abbott, B. P. (Contributor), Abbott, R. (Contributor), Abbott, T. D. (Contributor), Abernathy, M. R. (Contributor), Acernese, F. (Contributor), Ackley, K. (Contributor), Adams, C. (Contributor), Adams, T. (Contributor), Addesso, P. (Contributor), Adhikari, R. X. (Contributor), Adya, V. B. (Contributor), Affeldt, C. (Contributor), Agathos, M. (Contributor), Agatsuma, K. (Contributor), Aggarwal, N. (Contributor), Aguiar, O. D. (Contributor), Aiello, L. (Contributor), Ain, A. (Contributor), Ajith, P. (Contributor), Allen, B. (Contributor), Allocca, A. (Contributor), Altin, P. A. (Contributor), Anderson, S. B. (Contributor), Anderson, W. G. (Contributor), Arai, K. (Contributor), Araya, M. C. (Contributor), Arceneaux, C. C. (Contributor), Areeda, J. S. (Contributor), Arnaud, N. (Contributor), Arun, K. G. (Contributor), Ascenzi, S. (Contributor), Ashton, G. (Contributor), Ast, M. (Contributor), Aston, S. M. (Contributor), Astone, P. (Contributor), Aufmuth, P. (Contributor), Aulbert, C. (Contributor), Babak, S. (Contributor), Bacon, P. (Contributor), Bader, M. K. M. (Contributor), Baker, P. T. (Contributor), Baldaccini, F. (Contributor), Ballardin, G. (Contributor), Ballmer, S. W. (Contributor), Barayoga, J. C. (Contributor), Barclay, S. E. (Contributor), Barish, B. C. (Contributor), Barker, D. (Contributor), Barone, F. (Contributor), Barr, B. (Contributor), Barsotti, L. (Contributor), Barsuglia, M. (Contributor), Barta, D. (Contributor), Bartlett, J. (Contributor), Bartos, I. (Contributor), Bassiri, R. (Contributor), Basti, A. (Contributor), Batch, J. C. (Contributor), Baune, C. (Contributor), Bavigadda, V. (Contributor), Bazzan, M. (Contributor), Bejger, M. (Contributor), Bell, A. S. (Contributor), Berger, B. K. (Contributor), Bergmann, G. (Contributor), Berry, C. P. L. (Contributor), Bersanetti, D. (Contributor), Bertolini, A. (Contributor), Betzwieser, J. (Contributor), Bhagwat, S. (Contributor), Bhandare, R. (Contributor), Bilenko, I. A. (Contributor), Billingsley, G. (Contributor), Birch, J. (Contributor), Birney, R. (Contributor), Biscans, S. (Contributor), Bisht, A. (Contributor), Bitossi, M. (Contributor), Biwer, C. (Contributor), Bizouard, M. A. (Contributor), Blackburn, J. K. (Contributor), Blair, C. D. (Contributor), Blair, D. G. (Contributor), Blair, R. M. (Contributor), Bloemen, S. (Contributor), Bock, O. (Contributor), Boer, M. (Contributor), Bogaert, G. (Contributor), Bogan, C. (Contributor), Bohe, A. (Contributor), Bond, C. (Contributor), Bondu, F. (Contributor), Bonnand, R. (Contributor), Boom, B. A. (Contributor), Bork, R. (Contributor), Boschi, V. (Contributor), Bose, S. (Contributor), Bouffanais, Y. (Contributor), Bozzi, A. (Contributor), Bradaschia, C. (Contributor), Brady, P. R. (Contributor), Braginsky, V. B. (Contributor), Branchesi, M. (Contributor), Brau, J. E. (Contributor), Briant, T. (Contributor), Brillet, A. (Contributor), Brinkmann, M. (Contributor), Brisson, V. (Contributor), Brockill, P. (Contributor), Broida, J. E. (Contributor), Brooks, A. F. (Contributor), Brown, D. A. (Contributor), Brown, D. D. (Contributor), Brown, N. M. (Contributor), Brunett, S. (Contributor), Buchanan, C. C. (Contributor), Buikema, A. (Contributor), Bulik, T. (Contributor), Bulten, H. J. (Contributor), Buonanno, A. (Contributor), Buskulic, D. (Contributor), Buy, C. (Contributor), Byer, R. L. (Contributor), Cabero, M. (Contributor), Cadonati, L. (Contributor), Cagnoli, G. (Contributor), Cahillane, C. (Contributor), Calderon, B. J. (Contributor), Callister, T. (Contributor), Calloni, E. (Contributor), Camp, J. B. (Contributor), Cannon, K. C. (Contributor), Cao, J. (Contributor), Capano, C. D. (Contributor), Capocasa, E. (Contributor), Carbognani, F. (Contributor), Caride, S. (Contributor), Casanueva, D. J. (Contributor), Casentini, C. (Contributor), Caudill, S. (Contributor), Cavaglia, M. (Contributor), Cavalier, F. (Contributor), Cavalieri, R. (Contributor), Cella, G. (Contributor), Cepeda, C. B. (Contributor), Cerboni, B. L. (Contributor), Cerretani, G. (Contributor), Cesarini, E. (Contributor), Chamberlin, S. J. (Contributor), Chan, M. (Contributor), Chao, S. (Contributor), Charlton, P. (Contributor), Chassande-Mottin, E. (Contributor), Cheeseboro, B. D. (Contributor), Chen, H. Y. (Contributor), Chen, Y. (Contributor), Cheng, C. (Contributor), Chincarini, A. (Contributor), Chiummo, A. (Contributor), Cho, H. S. (Contributor), Cho, M. (Contributor), Chow, J. H. (Contributor), Christensen, N. (Contributor), Chu, Q. (Contributor), Chua, S. (Contributor), Chung, S. (Contributor), Ciani, G. (Contributor), Clara, F. (Contributor), Clark, J. A. (Contributor), Cleva, F. (Contributor), Coccia, E. (Contributor), Cohadon, P.-F. (Contributor), Colla, A. (Contributor), Collette, C. G. (Contributor), Cominsky, L. (Contributor), Constancio, M. (Contributor), Conte, A. (Contributor), Conti, L. (Contributor), Cook, D. (Contributor), Corbitt, T. R. (Contributor), Cornish, N. (Contributor), Corsi, A. (Contributor), Cortese, S. (Contributor), Costa, C. A. (Contributor), Coughlin, M. W. (Contributor), Coughlin, S. B. (Contributor), Coulon, J.-P. (Contributor), Countryman, S. T. (Contributor), Couvares, P. (Contributor), Cowan, E. E. (Contributor), Coward, D. M. (Contributor), Cowart, M. J. (Contributor), Coyne, D. C. (Contributor), Coyne, R. (Contributor), Craig, K. (Contributor), Creighton, J. D. E. (Contributor), Cripe, J. (Contributor), Crowder, S. G. (Contributor), Cumming, A. (Contributor), Cunningham, L. (Contributor), Cuoco, E. (Contributor), Dal, C. T. (Contributor), Danilishin, S. L. (Contributor), D'Antonio, S. (Contributor), Danzmann, K. (Contributor), Darman, N. S. (Contributor), Dasgupta, A. (Contributor), Da, S. C. C. F. (Contributor), Dattilo, V. (Contributor), Dave, I. (Contributor), Davier, M. (Contributor), Davies, G. S. (Contributor), Daw, E. J. (Contributor), Day, R. (Contributor), De, S. (Contributor), Debra, D. (Contributor), Debreczeni, G. (Contributor), Degallaix, J. (Contributor), De, L. M. (Contributor), Deleglise, S. (Contributor), Del, P. W. (Contributor), Denker, T. (Contributor), Dent, T. (Contributor), Dergachev, V. (Contributor), De, R. R. (Contributor), Derosa, R. T. (Contributor), Desalvo, R. (Contributor), Devine, R. C. (Contributor), Dhurandhar, S. (Contributor), Diaz, M. C. (Contributor), Di, F. L. (Contributor), Di, G. M. (Contributor), Di, G. T. (Contributor), Di, L. A. (Contributor), Di, P. S. (Contributor), Di, P. I. (Contributor), Di, V. A. (Contributor), Dolique, V. (Contributor), Donovan, F. (Contributor), Dooley, K. L. (Contributor), Doravari, S. (Contributor), Douglas, R. (Contributor), Downes, T. P. (Contributor), Drago, M. (Contributor), Drever, R. W. P. (Contributor), Driggers, J. C. (Contributor), Ducrot, M. (Contributor), Dwyer, S. E. (Contributor), Edo, T. B. (Contributor), Edwards, M. C. (Contributor), Effler, A. (Contributor), Eggenstein, H.-B. (Contributor), Ehrens, P. (Contributor), Eichholz, J. (Contributor), Eikenberry, S. S. (Contributor), Engels, W. (Contributor), Essick, R. C. (Contributor), Etzel, T. (Contributor), Evans, M. (Contributor), Evans, T. M. (Contributor), Everett, R. (Contributor), Factourovich, M. (Contributor), Fafone, V. (Contributor), Fair, H. (Contributor), Fan, X. (Contributor), Fang, Q. (Contributor), Farinon, S. (Contributor), Farr, B. (Contributor), Farr, W. M. (Contributor), Favata, M. (Contributor), Fays, M. (Contributor), Fehrmann, H. (Contributor), Fejer, M. M. (Contributor), Fenyvesi, E. (Contributor), Ferrante, I. (Contributor), Ferreira, E. C. (Contributor), Ferrini, F. (Contributor), Fidecaro, F. (Contributor), Fiori, I. (Contributor), Fiorucci, D. (Contributor), Fisher, R. P. (Contributor), Flaminio, R. (Contributor), Fletcher, M. (Contributor), Fournier, J.-D. (Contributor), Frasca, S. (Contributor), Frasconi, F. (Contributor), Frei, Z. (Contributor), Freise, A. (Contributor), Frey, R. (Contributor), Frey, V. (Contributor), Fritschel, P. (Contributor), Frolov, V. V. (Contributor), Fulda, P. (Contributor), Fyffe, M. (Contributor), Gabbard, H. A. G. (Contributor), Gair, J. R. (Contributor), Gammaitoni, L. (Contributor), Gaonkar, S. G. (Contributor), Garufi, F. (Contributor), Gaur, G. (Contributor), Gehrels, N. (Contributor), Gemme, G. (Contributor), Geng, P. (Contributor), Genin, E. (Contributor), Gennai, A. (Contributor), George, J. (Contributor), Gergely, L. (Contributor), Germain, V. (Contributor), Ghosh, A. (Contributor), Ghosh, A. (Contributor), Ghosh, S. (Contributor), Giaime, J. A. (Contributor), Giardina, K. D. (Contributor), Giazotto, A. (Contributor), Gill, K. (Contributor), Glaefke, A. (Contributor), Goetz, E. (Contributor), Goetz, R. (Contributor), Gondan, L. (Contributor), Gonzalez, G. (Contributor), Gonzalez, C. J. M. (Contributor), Gopakumar, A. (Contributor), Gordon, N. A. (Contributor), Gorodetsky, M. L. (Contributor), Gossan, S. E. (Contributor), Gosselin, M. (Contributor), Gouaty, R. (Contributor), Grado, A. (Contributor), Graef, C. (Contributor), Graff, P. B. (Contributor), Granata, M. (Contributor), Grant, A. (Contributor), Gras, S. (Contributor), Gray, C. (Contributor), Greco, G. (Contributor), Green, A. C. (Contributor), Groot, P. (Contributor), Grote, H. (Contributor), Grunewald, S. (Contributor), Guidi, G. M. (Contributor), Guo, X. (Contributor), Gupta, A. (Contributor), Gupta, M. K. (Contributor), Gushwa, K. E. (Contributor), Gustafson, E. K. (Contributor), Gustafson, R. (Contributor), Hacker, J. J. (Contributor), Hall, B. R. (Contributor), Hall, E. D. (Contributor), Hammond, G. (Contributor), Haney, M. (Contributor), Hanke, M. M. (Contributor), Hanks, J. (Contributor), Hanna, C. (Contributor), Hanson, J. (Contributor), Hardwick, T. (Contributor), Harms, J. (Contributor), Harry, G. M. (Contributor), Harry, I. W. (Contributor), Hart, M. J. (Contributor), Hartman, M. T. (Contributor), Haster, C.-J. (Contributor), Haughian, K. (Contributor), Heidmann, A. (Contributor), Heintze, M. C. (Contributor), Heitmann, H. (Contributor), Hello, P. (Contributor), Hemming, G. (Contributor), Hendry, M. (Contributor), Heng, I. S. (Contributor), Hennig, J. (Contributor), Henry, J. (Contributor), Heptonstall, A. W. (Contributor), Heurs, M. (Contributor), Hild, S. (Contributor), Hoak, D. (Contributor), Hofman, D. (Contributor), Holt, K. (Contributor), Holz, D. E. (Contributor), Hopkins, P. (Contributor), Hough, J. (Contributor), Houston, E. A. (Contributor), Howell, E. J. (Contributor), Hu, Y. M. (Contributor), Huang, S. (Contributor), Huerta, E. A. (Contributor), Huet, D. (Contributor), Hughey, B. (Contributor), Huttner, S. H. (Contributor), Huynh-Dinh, T. (Contributor), Indik, N. (Contributor), Ingram, D. R. (Contributor), Inta, R. (Contributor), Isa, H. N. (Contributor), Isac, J.-M. (Contributor), Isi, M. (Contributor), Isogai, T. (Contributor), Iyer, B. R. (Contributor), Izumi, K. (Contributor), Jacqmin, T. (Contributor), Jang, H. (Contributor), Jani, K. (Contributor), Jaranowski, P. (Contributor), Jawahar, S. (Contributor), Jian, L. (Contributor), Jimenez-Forteza, F. (Contributor), Johnson, W. W. (Contributor), Jones, D. I. (Contributor), Jones, R. (Contributor), Jonker, R. J. G. (Contributor), Ju, L. (Contributor), Haris, K. (Contributor), Kalaghatgi, C. V. (Contributor), Kalogera, V. (Contributor), Kandhasamy, S. (Contributor), Kang, G. (Contributor), Kanner, J. B. (Contributor), Kapadia, S. J. (Contributor), Karki, S. (Contributor), Karvinen, K. S. (Contributor), Kasprzack, M. (Contributor), Katsavounidis, E. (Contributor), Katzman, W. (Contributor), Kaufer, S. (Contributor), Kaur, T. (Contributor), Kawabe, K. (Contributor), Kefelian, F. (Contributor), Kehl, M. S. (Contributor), Keitel, D. (Contributor), Kelley, D. B. (Contributor), Kells, W. (Contributor), Kennedy, R. (Contributor), Key, J. S. (Contributor), Khalili, F. Y. (Contributor), Khan, I. (Contributor), Khan, Z. (Contributor), Khazanov, E. A. (Contributor), Kijbunchoo, N. (Contributor), Kim, C.-W. (Contributor), Kim, C. (Contributor), Kim, J. (Contributor), Kim, K. (Contributor), Kim, N. (Contributor), Kim, W. (Contributor), Kim, Y.-M. (Contributor), Kimbrell, S. J. (Contributor), King, E. J. (Contributor), King, P. J. (Contributor), Kissel, J. S. (Contributor), Klein, B. (Contributor), Kleybolte, L. (Contributor), Klimenko, S. (Contributor), Koehlenbeck, S. M. (Contributor), Koley, S. (Contributor), Kondrashov, V. (Contributor), Kontos, A. (Contributor), Korobko, M. (Contributor), Korth, W. Z. (Contributor), Kowalska, I. (Contributor), Kozak, D. B. (Contributor), Kringel, V. (Contributor), Krolak, A. (Contributor), Krueger, C. (Contributor), Kuehn, G. (Contributor), Kumar, P. (Contributor), Kumar, R. (Contributor), Kuo, L. (Contributor), Kutynia, A. (Contributor), Lackey, B. D. (Contributor), Landry, M. (Contributor), Lange, J. (Contributor), Lantz, B. (Contributor), Lasky, P. D. (Contributor), Laxen, M. (Contributor), Lazzarini, A. (Contributor), Lazzaro, C. (Contributor), Leaci, P. (Contributor), Leavey, S. (Contributor), Lebigot, E. O. (Contributor), Lee, C. H. (Contributor), Lee, H. K. (Contributor), Lee, H. M. (Contributor), Lee, K. (Contributor), Lenon, A. (Contributor), Leonardi, M. (Contributor), Leong, J. R. (Contributor), Leroy, N. (Contributor), Letendre, N. (Contributor), Levin, Y. (Contributor), Lewis, J. B. (Contributor), Li, T. G. F. (Contributor), Libson, A. (Contributor), Littenberg, T. B. (Contributor), Lockerbie, N. A. (Contributor), Lombardi, A. L. (Contributor), Lord, J. E. (Contributor), Lorenzini, M. (Contributor), Loriette, V. (Contributor), Lormand, M. (Contributor), Losurdo, G. (Contributor), Lough, J. D. (Contributor), Luck, H. (Contributor), Lundgren, A. P. (Contributor), Lynch, R. (Contributor), Ma, Y. (Contributor), Machenschalk, B. (Contributor), Macinnis, M. (Contributor), Macleod, D. M. (Contributor), Magana-Sandoval, F. (Contributor), Zertuche, L. M. (Contributor), Magee, R. M. (Contributor), Majorana, E. (Contributor), Maksimovic, I. (Contributor), Malvezzi, V. (Contributor), Man, N. (Contributor), Mandic, V. (Contributor), Mangano, V. (Contributor), Mansell, G. L. (Contributor), Manske, M. (Contributor), Mantovani, M. (Contributor), Marchesoni, F. (Contributor), Marion, F. (Contributor), Marka, S. (Contributor), Marka, Z. (Contributor), Markosyan, A. S. (Contributor), Maros, E. (Contributor), Martelli, F. (Contributor), Martellini, L. (Contributor), Martin, I. W. (Contributor), Martynov, D. V. (Contributor), Marx, J. N. (Contributor), Mason, K. (Contributor), Masserot, A. (Contributor), Massinger, T. J. (Contributor), Masso-Reid, M. (Contributor), Mastrogiovanni, S. (Contributor), Matichard, F. (Contributor), Matone, L. (Contributor), Mavalvala, N. (Contributor), Mazumder, N. (Contributor), McCarthy, R. (Contributor), McClelland, D. E. (Contributor), McCormick, S. (Contributor), McGuire, S. C. (Contributor), McIntyre, G. (Contributor), McIver, J. (Contributor), McManus, D. J. (Contributor), McRae, T. (Contributor), McWilliams, S. T. (Contributor), Meacher, D. (Contributor), Meadors, G. D. (Contributor), Meidam, J. (Contributor), Melatos, A. (Contributor), Mendell, G. (Contributor), Mercer, R. A. (Contributor), Merilh, E. L. (Contributor), Merzougui, M. (Contributor), Meshkov, S. (Contributor), Messenger, C. (Contributor), Messick, C. (Contributor), Metzdorff, R. (Contributor), Meyers, P. M. (Contributor), Mezzani, F. (Contributor), Miao, H. (Contributor), Michel, C. (Contributor), Middleton, H. (Contributor), Mikhailov, E. E. (Contributor), Milano, L. (Contributor), Miller, A. L. (Contributor), Miller, A. (Contributor), Miller, B. B. (Contributor), Miller, J. (Contributor), Millhouse, M. (Contributor), Minenkov, Y. (Contributor), Ming, J. (Contributor), Mirshekari, S. (Contributor), Mishra, C. (Contributor), Mitra, S. (Contributor), Mitrofanov, V. P. (Contributor), Mitselmakher, G. (Contributor), Mittleman, R. (Contributor), Moggi, A. (Contributor), Mohan, M. (Contributor), Mohapatra, S. R. P. (Contributor), Montani, M. (Contributor), Moore, B. C. (Contributor), Moore, C. J. (Contributor), Moraru, D. (Contributor), Moreno, G. (Contributor), Morriss, S. R. (Contributor), Mossavi, K. (Contributor), Mours, B. (Contributor), Mow-Lowry, C. M. (Contributor), Mueller, G. (Contributor), Muir, A. W. (Contributor), Mukherjee, A. (Contributor), Mukherjee, D. (Contributor), Mukherjee, S. (Contributor), Mukund, N. (Contributor), Mullavey, A. (Contributor), Munch, J. (Contributor), Murphy, D. J. (Contributor), Murray, P. G. (Contributor), Mytidis, A. (Contributor), Nardecchia, I. (Contributor), Naticchioni, L. (Contributor), Nayak, R. K. (Contributor), Nedkova, K. (Contributor), Nelemans, G. (Contributor), Nelson, T. J. N. (Contributor), Neri, M. (Contributor), Neunzert, A. (Contributor), Newton, G. (Contributor), Nguyen, T. T. (Contributor), Nielsen, A. B. (Contributor), Nissanke, S. (Contributor), Nitz, A. (Contributor), Nocera, F. (Contributor), Nolting, D. (Contributor), Normandin, M. E. N. (Contributor), Nuttall, L. K. (Contributor), Oberling, J. (Contributor), Ochsner, E. (Contributor), O'Dell, J. (Contributor), Oelker, E. (Contributor), Ogin, G. H. (Contributor), Oh, J. J. (Contributor), Oh, S. H. (Contributor), Ohme, F. (Contributor), Oliver, M. (Contributor), Oppermann, P. (Contributor), Oram, R. J. (Contributor), O'Reilly, B. (Contributor), O'Shaughnessy, R. (Contributor), Ottaway, D. J. (Contributor), Overmier, H. (Contributor), Owen, B. J. (Contributor), Pai, A. (Contributor), Pai, S. A. (Contributor), Palamos, J. R. (Contributor), Palashov, O. (Contributor), Palomba, C. (Contributor), Pal-Singh, A. (Contributor), Pan, H. (Contributor), Pankow, C. (Contributor), Pant, B. C. (Contributor), Paoletti, F. (Contributor), Paoli, A. (Contributor), Papa, M. A. (Contributor), Paris, H. R. (Contributor), Parker, W. (Contributor), Pascucci, D. (Contributor), Pasqualetti, A. (Contributor), Passaquieti, R. (Contributor), Passuello, D. (Contributor), Patricelli, B. (Contributor), Patrick, Z. (Contributor), Pearlstone, B. L. (Contributor), Pedraza, M. (Contributor), Pedurand, R. (Contributor), Pekowsky, L. (Contributor), Pele, A. (Contributor), Penn, S. (Contributor), Perreca, A. (Contributor), Perri, L. M. (Contributor), Phelps, M. (Contributor), Piccinni, O. J. (Contributor), Pichot, M. (Contributor), Piergiovanni, F. (Contributor), Pierro, V. (Contributor), Pillant, G. (Contributor), Pinard, L. (Contributor), Pinto, I. M. (Contributor), Pitkin, M. (Contributor), Poe, M. (Contributor), Poggiani, R. (Contributor), Popolizio, P. (Contributor), Post, A. (Contributor), Powell, J. (Contributor), Prasad, J. (Contributor), Predoi, V. (Contributor), Prestegard, T. (Contributor), Price, L. R. (Contributor), Prijatelj, M. (Contributor), Principe, M. (Contributor), Privitera, S. (Contributor), Prodi, G. A. (Contributor), Prokhorov, L. (Contributor), Puncken, O. (Contributor), Punturo, M. (Contributor), Puppo, P. (Contributor), Purrer, M. (Contributor), Qi, H. (Contributor), Qin, J. (Contributor), Qiu, S. (Contributor), Quetschke, V. (Contributor), Quintero, E. A. (Contributor), Quitzow-James, R. (Contributor), Raab, F. J. (Contributor), Rabeling, D. S. (Contributor), Radkins, H. (Contributor), Raffai, P. (Contributor), Raja, S. (Contributor), Rajan, C. (Contributor), Rakhmanov, M. (Contributor), Rapagnani, P. (Contributor), Raymond, V. (Contributor), Razzano, M. (Contributor), Re, V. (Contributor), Read, J. (Contributor), Reed, C. M. (Contributor), Regimbau, T. (Contributor), Rei, L. (Contributor), Reid, S. (Contributor), Reitze, D. H. (Contributor), Rew, H. (Contributor), Reyes, S. D. (Contributor), Ricci, F. (Contributor), Riles, K. (Contributor), Rizzo, M. (Contributor), Robertson, N. A. (Contributor), Robie, R. (Contributor), Robinet, F. (Contributor), Rocchi, A. (Contributor), Rolland, L. (Contributor), Rollins, J. G. (Contributor), Roma, V. J. (Contributor), Romano, J. D. (Contributor), Romano, R. (Contributor), Romanov, G. (Contributor), Romie, J. H. (Contributor), Rosinska, D. (Contributor), Rowan, S. (Contributor), Rudiger, A. (Contributor), Ruggi, P. (Contributor), Ryan, K. (Contributor), Sachdev, S. (Contributor), Sadecki, T. (Contributor), Sadeghian, L. (Contributor), Sakellariadou, M. (Contributor), Salconi, L. (Contributor), Saleem, M. (Contributor), Salemi, F. (Contributor), Samajdar, A. (Contributor), Sammut, L. (Contributor), Sanchez, E. J. (Contributor), Sandberg, V. (Contributor), Sandeen, B. (Contributor), Sanders, J. R. (Contributor), Sassolas, B. (Contributor), Saulson, P. R. (Contributor), Sauter, O. E. S. (Contributor), Savage, R. L. (Contributor), Sawadsky, A. (Contributor), Schale, P. (Contributor), Schilling, R. (Contributor), Schmidt, J. (Contributor), Schmidt, P. (Contributor), Schnabel, R. (Contributor), Schofield, R. M. S. (Contributor), Schonbeck, A. (Contributor), Schreiber, E. (Contributor), Schuette, D. (Contributor), Schutz, B. F. (Contributor), Scott, J. (Contributor), Scott, S. M. (Contributor), Sellers, D. (Contributor), Sengupta, A. S. (Contributor), Sentenac, D. (Contributor), Sequino, V. (Contributor), Sergeev, A. (Contributor), Setyawati, Y. (Contributor), Shaddock, D. A. (Contributor), Shaffer, T. (Contributor), Shahriar, M. S. (Contributor), Shaltev, M. (Contributor), Shapiro, B. (Contributor), Shawhan, P. (Contributor), Sheperd, A. (Contributor), Shoemaker, D. H. (Contributor), Siellez, K. (Contributor), Siemens, X. (Contributor), Sieniawska, M. (Contributor), Sigg, D. (Contributor), Silva, A. D. (Contributor), Singer, A. (Contributor), Singer, L. P. (Contributor), Singh, A. (Contributor), Singh, R. (Contributor), Singhal, A. (Contributor), Sintes, A. M. (Contributor), Slagmolen, B. J. J. (Contributor), Smith, J. R. (Contributor), Smith, N. D. (Contributor), Smith, R. J. E. (Contributor), Son, E. J. (Contributor), Sorazu, B. (Contributor), Sorrentino, F. (Contributor), Souradeep, T. (Contributor), Srivastava, A. K. (Contributor), Staley, A. (Contributor), Steinke, M. (Contributor), Steinlechner, J. (Contributor), Steinlechner, S. (Contributor), Steinmeyer, D. (Contributor), Stephens, B. C. (Contributor), Stone, R. (Contributor), Strain, K. A. (Contributor), Straniero, N. (Contributor), Stratta, G. (Contributor), Strauss, N. A. (Contributor), Strigin, S. (Contributor), Sturani, R. (Contributor), Stuver, A. L. (Contributor), Summerscales, T. Z. (Contributor), Sun, L. (Contributor), Sunil, S. (Contributor), Sutton, P. J. (Contributor), Swinkels, B. L. (Contributor), Szczepanczyk, M. J. (Contributor), Tacca, M. (Contributor), Talukder, D. (Contributor), Tanner, D. B. (Contributor), Tapai, M. (Contributor), Tarabrin, S. P. (Contributor), Taracchini, A. (Contributor), Taylor, R. (Contributor), Theeg, T. (Contributor), Thirugnanasambandam, M. P. (Contributor), Thomas, E. G. (Contributor), Thomas, M. (Contributor), Thomas, P. (Contributor), Thorne, K. A. (Contributor), Thorne, K. S. (Contributor), Thrane, E. (Contributor), Tiwari, S. (Contributor), Tiwari, V. (Contributor), Tokmakov, K. V. (Contributor), Toland, K. (Contributor), Tomlinson, C. (Contributor), Tonelli, M. (Contributor), Tornasi, Z. (Contributor), Torres, C. V. (Contributor), Torrie, C. I. (Contributor), Toyra, D. (Contributor), Travasso, F. (Contributor), Traylor, G. (Contributor), Trifiro, D. (Contributor), Tringali, M. C. (Contributor), Trozzo, L. (Contributor), Tse, M. (Contributor), Turconi, M. (Contributor), Tuyenbayev, D. (Contributor), Ugolini, D. (Contributor), Unnikrishnan, C. S. (Contributor), Urban, A. L. (Contributor), Usman, S. A. (Contributor), Vahlbruch, H. (Contributor), Vajente, G. (Contributor), Valdes, G. (Contributor), Van, B. N. (Contributor), Van, B. M. (Contributor), Van, D. B. J. F. J. (Contributor), Van, D. B. C. (Contributor), Vander-Hyde, D. C. (Contributor), Van, D. S. L. (Contributor), Van, H. J. V. (Contributor), Van, V. A. A. (Contributor), Vardaro, M. (Contributor), Vass, S. (Contributor), Vasuth, M. (Contributor), Vaulin, R. (Contributor), Vecchio, A. (Contributor), Vedovato, G. (Contributor), Veitch, J. (Contributor), Veitch, P. J. (Contributor), Venkateswara, K. (Contributor), Verkindt, D. (Contributor), Vetrano, F. (Contributor), Vicere, A. (Contributor), Vinciguerra, S. (Contributor), Vine, D. J. (Contributor), Vinet, J.-Y. (Contributor), Vitale, S. (Contributor), Vo, T. (Contributor), Vocca, H. (Contributor), Vorvick, C. (Contributor), Voss, D. V. (Contributor), Vousden, W. D. (Contributor), Vyatchanin, S. P. (Contributor), Wade, A. R. (Contributor), Wade, L. E. (Contributor), Wade, M. (Contributor), Walker, M. (Contributor), Wallace, L. (Contributor), Walsh, S. (Contributor), Wang, G. (Contributor), Wang, H. (Contributor), Wang, M. (Contributor), Wang, X. (Contributor), Wang, Y. (Contributor), Ward, R. L. (Contributor), Warner, J. (Contributor), Was, M. (Contributor), Weaver, B. (Contributor), Wei, L.-W. (Contributor), Weinert, M. (Contributor), Weinstein, A. J. (Contributor), Weiss, R. (Contributor), Wen, L. (Contributor), Wessels, P. (Contributor), Westphal, T. (Contributor), Wette, K. (Contributor), Whelan, J. T. (Contributor), Whiting, B. F. (Contributor), Williams, R. D. (Contributor), Williamson, A. R. (Contributor), Willis, J. L. (Contributor), Willke, B. (Contributor), Wimmer, M. H. (Contributor), Winkler, W. (Contributor), Wipf, C. C. (Contributor), Wittel, H. (Contributor), Woan, G. (Contributor), Woehler, J. (Contributor), Worden, J. (Contributor), Wright, J. L. (Contributor), Wu, D. S. (Contributor), Wu, G. (Contributor), Yablon, J. (Contributor), Yam, W. (Contributor), Yamamoto, H. (Contributor), Yancey, C. C. (Contributor), Yu, H. (Contributor), Yvert, M. (Contributor), Zadrozny, A. (Contributor), Zangrando, L. (Contributor), Zanolin, M. (Contributor), Zendri, J.-P. (Contributor), Zevin, M. (Contributor), Zhang, L. (Contributor), Zhang, M. (Contributor), Zhang, Y. (Contributor), Zhao, C. (Contributor), Zhou, M. (Contributor), Zhou, Z. (Contributor), Zhu, X. J. (Contributor), Zucker, M. E. (Contributor), Zuraw, S. E. (Contributor), Zweizig, J. (Contributor), Boyle, M. (Contributor), Campanelli, M. (Contributor), Chu, T. (Contributor), Clark, M. (Contributor), Fauchon-Jones, E. (Contributor), Fong, H. (Contributor), Healy, J. (Contributor), Hemberger, D. (Contributor), Hinder, I. (Contributor), Husa, S. (Contributor), Kalaghati, C. (Contributor), Khan, S. (Contributor), Kidder, L. E. (Contributor), Kinsey, M. (Contributor), Laguna, P. (Contributor), London, L. T. (Contributor), Lousto, C. O. (Contributor), Lovelace, G. (Contributor), Ossokine, S. (Contributor), Pannarale, F. (Contributor), Pfeiffer, H. P. (Contributor), Scheel, M. (Contributor), Shoemaker, D. M. (Contributor), Szilagyi, B. (Contributor), Teukolsky, S. (Contributor), Vinuales, A. V. (Contributor), Zlochower, Y. (Contributor), Collaboration), (Creator), Iozzo, D. A. B. (Contributor), Stein, L. C. (Contributor), Woodford, C. J. (Contributor), Zimmerman, A. B. (Contributor), Afshari, N. (Contributor), Barkett, K. (Contributor), Blackman, J. (Contributor), Chatziioannou, K. (Contributor), Demos, N. (Contributor), Deppe, N. (Contributor), Field, S. E. (Contributor), Fischer, N. L. (Contributor), Foley, E. (Contributor), Garcia, A. (Contributor), Giesler, M. (Contributor), Hebert, F. (Contributor), Katebi, R. (Contributor), Khan, H. (Contributor), Kuper, K. (Contributor), Lim, H. (Contributor), Okounkova, M. (Contributor), Ramirez, T. (Contributor), Rodriguez, S. (Contributor), Rüter, H. R. (Contributor) & Varma, V. (Contributor), ZENODO, Jul 10 2019


  • Measurements of the magnetic form-factor of the proton for timelike momentum transfers

    Andreotti, M. (Creator), Bagnasco, S. (Creator), Baldini, W. (Creator), Bettoni, D. (Creator), Borreani, G. (Creator), Buzzo, A. (Creator), Calabrese, R. (Creator), Cester, R. (Creator), Cibinetto, G. (Creator), Dalpiaz, P. (Creator), Garzoglio, G. (Creator), Gollwitzer, K. (Creator), Graham, M. (Creator), Hu, M. (Creator), Joffe, D. (Creator), Kasper, J. (Creator), Lasio, G. (Creator), Lo, V. M. (Creator), Luppi, E. (Creator), Mandelkern, M. (Creator), Marchetto, F. (Creator), Marinelli, M. (Creator), Menichetti, E. (Creator), Metreveli, Z. (Creator), Mussa, R. (Creator), Negrini, M. (Creator), Obertino, M. (Creator), Pallavicini, M. (Creator), Pastrone, N. (Creator), Patrignani, C. (Creator), Pordes, S. (Creator), Robutti, E. (Creator), Roethel, W. (Creator), Rosen, J. (Creator), Rumerio, P. (Creator), Rusack, R. (Creator), Santroni, A. (Creator), Schultz, J. (Creator), Seo, S. H. (Creator), Seth, K. K. (Creator), Stancari, G. (Creator), Stancari, M. (Creator), Tomaradze, A. (Creator), Uman, I. (Creator), Vidnovic, I. T. (Contributor), Werkema, S. (Creator), Zweber, P. (Creator) & Macrı̀, M. (Creator), HEPData, 2003


  • FEWZ 2.0: A code for hadronic Z production at next-to-next-to-leading order

    Gavin, R. (Contributor), Li, Y. (Contributor), Petriello, F. (Contributor) & Quackenbush, S. (Contributor), Mendeley Data, Nov 1 2011


  • UV-Opt LC of tidal disruption flare AT2018zr

    Van Velzen, S. (Creator), Gezari, S. (Creator), Cenko, S. B. (Creator), Kara, E. (Creator), Miller-Jones, J. C. A. (Contributor), Hung, T. (Creator), Bright, J. (Creator), Roth, N. (Creator), Blagorodnova, N. (Creator), Huppenkothen, D. (Creator), Yan, L. (Creator), Ofek, E. (Creator), Sollerman, J. (Creator), Frederick, S. (Creator), Ward, C. (Creator), Graham, M. J. (Creator), Fender, R. (Creator), Kasliwal, M. M. (Creator), Canella, C. (Creator), Stein, R. (Creator), Giomi, M. (Creator), Brinnel, V. (Creator), Santen, J. V. (Contributor), Nordin, J. (Creator), Bellm, E. C. (Creator), Dekany, R. (Creator), Fremling, C. (Creator), Golkhou, V. Z. (Creator), Kupfer, T. (Creator), Kulkarni, S. R. (Creator), Laher, R. R. (Creator), Mahabal, A. (Creator), Masci, F. J. (Creator), Miller, A. A. (Creator), Neill, J. D. (Creator), Riddle, R. (Creator), Rigault, M. (Creator), Rusholme, B. (Creator), Soumagnac, M. T. (Creator) & Tachibana, Y. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2020


  • Zwicky Transient Facility BTS. I.

    Fremling, C. (Creator), Miller, A. A. (Creator), Sharma, Y. (Creator), Dugas, A. (Creator), Perley, D. A. (Creator), Taggart, K. (Creator), Sollerman, J. (Creator), Goobar, A. (Creator), Graham, M. L. (Creator), Neill, J. D. (Creator), Nordin, J. (Creator), Rigault, M. (Creator), Walters, R. (Creator), Andreoni, I. (Creator), Bagdasaryan, A. (Creator), Belicki, J. (Creator), Cannella, C. (Creator), Bellm, E. C. (Creator), Cenko, S. B. (Creator), De, K. (Creator), Dekany, R. (Creator), Frederick, S. (Creator), Golkhou, V. Z. (Creator), Graham, M. J. (Creator), Helou, G. (Creator), Ho, A. Y. Q. (Contributor), Kasliwal, M. M. (Creator), Kupfer, T. (Creator), Laher, R. R. (Creator), Mahabal, A. (Creator), Masci, F. J. (Creator), Riddle, R. (Creator), Rusholme, B. (Creator), Schulze, S. (Creator), Shupe, D. L. (Creator), Smith, R. M. (Creator), Velzen, S. V. (Contributor), Yan, L. (Creator), Yao, Y. (Creator), Zhuang, Z. (Creator) & Kulkarni, S. R. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2021


  • A VLA study of high-redshift GRBs. I. GRB140311A

    Laskar, T. (Creator), Berger, E. (Creator), Chornock, R. (Creator), Margutti, R. (Creator), Fong, W.-F. (Creator) & Zauderer, B. A. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2019


  • Swift UVOT light curves of ASASSN-15lh

    Margutti, R. (Creator), Metzger, B. D. (Creator), Chornock, R. (Creator), Milisavljevic, D. (Creator), Berger, E. (Creator), Blanchard, P. K. (Creator), Guidorzi, C. (Creator), Migliori, G. (Creator), Kamble, A. (Creator), Lunnan, R. (Creator), Nicholl, M. (Creator), Coppejans, D. L. (Creator), Dall'Osso, S. (Creator), Drout, M. R. (Creator), Perna, R. (Creator) & Sbarufatti, B. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2017


  • CCDC 768612: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Kaminker, R. (Creator), Motiei, L. (Creator), Gulino, A. (Creator), Fragalà, I. (Contributor), Shimon, L. J. W. (Creator), Evmenenko, G. (Creator), Dutta, P. (Creator), Iron, M. A. (Creator) & Van Der Boom, M. E. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2011


  • "Table 2" of "Measurement of the Spin Correlation Parameters A(ll) and A(sl) for the Reaction $P P \to D \pi^+$ in the Energy Region 500-{MeV} - 800-{MeV}"

    Barlow, D. B. (Creator), Saha, A. (Creator), Seth, K. K. (Creator), Bhatia, T. S. (Creator), Glass, G. (Creator), Hiebert, J. C. (Creator), Kenefick, R. A. (Creator), Nath, S. (Creator), Northcliffe, L. C. (Creator), Tippens, W. B. (Creator), Jarmer, J. J. (Creator), Simmons, J. E. (Creator), Jeppesen, R. H. (Creator) & Tripard, G. E. (Creator), HEPData, 1989


  • Globular clusters of M60 with HST

    Strader, J. (Creator), Fabbiano, G. (Creator), Luo, B. (Creator), Kim, D.-W. (Creator), Brodie, J. P. (Creator), Fragos, T. (Creator), Gallagher, J. S. (Creator), Kalogera, V. (Creator), King, A. (Creator) & Zezas, A. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2013


  • Postdoc academy: Succeeding as a postdoc pre- and post-course survey

    Sun, T. (Contributor), Drane, D. (Contributor), McGee, R. (Contributor), Campa III, H. (Contributor), Goldberg, B. (Contributor) & Hokanson, S. (Contributor), ZENODO, May 15 2023


  • CSD 1519252: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Haynes, A. S. (Contributor), Liu, T.-K. (Contributor), Frazer, L. (Contributor), Lin, J.-F. (Contributor), Wang, S.-Y. (Contributor), Ketterson, J. B. (Contributor), Kanatzidis, M. G. (Contributor) & Hsu, K.-F. (Contributor), FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, 2017


  • "Table 1" of "Measurement of the Spin Correlation Parameters A(ll) and A(sl) for the Reaction $P P \to D \pi^+$ in the Energy Region 500-{MeV} - 800-{MeV}"

    Barlow, D. B. (Creator), Saha, A. (Creator), Seth, K. K. (Creator), Bhatia, T. S. (Creator), Glass, G. (Creator), Hiebert, J. C. (Creator), Kenefick, R. A. (Creator), Nath, S. (Creator), Northcliffe, L. C. (Creator), Tippens, W. B. (Creator), Jarmer, J. J. (Creator), Simmons, J. E. (Creator), Jeppesen, R. H. (Creator) & Tripard, G. E. (Creator), HEPData, 1989


  • CCDC 716310: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Tsamourtzi, K. (Creator), Song, J.-H. (Creator), Bakas, T. (Creator), Freeman, A. J. (Creator), Trikalitis, P. N. (Creator) & Kanatzidis, M. G. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2009


  • CCDC 256544: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Dibrov, S. M. (Creator), Deng, B. (Creator), Ellis, D. E. (Creator) & Ibers, J. A. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2005


  • Parameters of radio sources near Sgr A*

    Yusef-Zadeh, F. (Creator), Roberts, D. A. (Creator), Wardle, M. (Creator), Cotton, W. (Creator), Schodel, R. (Contributor) & Royster, M. J. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2017


  • CCDC 187239: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

    Gardberg, A. S. (Creator), Deng, K. (Creator), Ellis, D. E. (Creator) & Ibers, J. A. (Creator), Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 2002


  • Compact radio sources within 30" of Sgr A*

    Yusef-Zadeh, F. (Creator), Bushouse, H. (Creator), Schodel, R. (Contributor), Wardle, M. (Creator), Cotton, W. (Creator), Roberts, D. A. (Creator), Nogueras-Lara, F. (Creator) & Gallego-Cano, E. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 2016


  • "Table 5" of "Measurement of the Spin Correlation Parameters A(ll) and A(sl) for the Reaction $P P \to D \pi^+$ in the Energy Region 500-{MeV} - 800-{MeV}"

    Barlow, D. B. (Creator), Saha, A. (Creator), Seth, K. K. (Creator), Bhatia, T. S. (Creator), Glass, G. (Creator), Hiebert, J. C. (Creator), Kenefick, R. A. (Creator), Nath, S. (Creator), Northcliffe, L. C. (Creator), Tippens, W. B. (Creator), Jarmer, J. J. (Creator), Simmons, J. E. (Creator), Jeppesen, R. H. (Creator) & Tripard, G. E. (Creator), HEPData, 1989
