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Research project
Collaborative Research: Misaligned Short GRBs from Structured Jets in the Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Tchekhovskoy, S. (PD/PI)
9/1/18 → 8/31/22
Project: Research project
Continued NuSTAR monitoring of the unprecedented metamorphosis of SN2014C
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3/10/17 → 3/9/19
Project: Research project
Exploring the Fourth Dimension: Enhancing the Discovery Power of Transient Surveys with an Effective Classification/Identification System
Margutti, R. (PD/PI), Fong, W.-F. (Co-Investigator) & Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator)
9/1/18 → 12/31/21
Project: Research project
Late-time X-rays to map the Zoo of Engine-driven Stellar Explosions
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
8/8/17 → 8/7/20
Project: Research project
Explosion mechanisms and energy sources powering super-luminous supernovae
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
9/7/16 → 9/6/18
Project: Research project
Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity
Halperin, W. P. (PD/PI)
9/1/05 → 6/30/22
Project: Research project
Detailed Mapping of Extreme Mass-Loss From Evolved Massive Stars With Swift
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3/5/18 → 3/4/19
Project: Research project
On Campus Portion of SP0023602
Dahl, C. E. (Subproject PI)
The University of Chicago, National Science Foundation
4/1/13 → 8/31/15
Project: Research project
Joint appointment agreement for Hongxi Xing
Petriello, F. J. (PD/PI)
UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy
9/17/16 → 8/31/18
Project: Research project
A Scintillating Xenon Bubble Chamber for Dark Matter Detection
Dahl, C. E. (PD/PI)
7/15/14 → 7/14/19
Project: Research project
US CMS Phase 2 Upgrade R&D – Tracker/Track Trigger
Hahn, K. A. (PD/PI)
Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Department of Energy
1/1/16 → 12/31/16
Project: Research project
High-Luminosity LHC U.S. CMS Detector Upgrade Project Trigger DAQ - Correlator Trigger
Hahn, K. A. (PD/PI)
Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Department of Energy
10/1/19 → 12/31/20
Project: Research project
100-eV Nuclear Recoil Detection with a Scintillating Liquid Argon Bubble Chamber
Dahl, C. E. (PD/PI)
Universities Research Association, Inc.
9/1/21 → 8/31/22
Project: Research project
Argonne Joint Appointment--Francis Petriello
Petriello, F. J. (PD/PI)
UChicago Argonne, LLC, Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
Collective Dynamics in Networks of Dynamical Systems
Motter, A. E. (PD/PI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/11
Project: Research project
MRSEC: Multifunctional Nanoscale Material Structures
Motter, A. E. (PD/PI) & Olvera de la Cruz, M. (Co-PD/PI)
10/1/05 → 9/30/11
Project: Research project
Metastable Vortex Lattices-Properties and Applications
Halperin, W. P. (PD/PI)
University of Notre Dame, Department of Energy
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
Quantifying the Diversity of Relativistic Transients with Radio Observations
Fong, W.-F. (PD/PI) & Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
9/1/18 → 8/31/22
Project: Research project
Source of Energy and pre-explosion progenitor evolution of Super-luminous Supernovae
Margutti, R. (PD/PI) & Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
11/11/20 → 11/10/22
Project: Research project
The study of hyper-accreting black holes and the origin of gold in the Universe
Tchekhovskoy, S. (PD/PI) & Tchekhovskoy, S. (PD/PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
8/15/21 → 8/31/24
Project: Research project
Energy source and pre-explosion progenitor evolution of SuperLuminous Supernovae
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
1/8/17 → 1/7/18
Project: Research project
On the quest of BeX-ray transients: how do highly magnetized neutron stars cool?
Fong, W.-F. (PD/PI) & Tchekhovskoy, S. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3/16/22 → 3/15/24
Project: Research project
Network Frontier Workshop 2013; Evanston, Illinois; December 4-6 2013
Motter, A. E. (PD/PI)
10/1/13 → 9/30/14
Project: Research project
Detailed Mapping of Extreme Mass-Loss with coordinated XMM-NuSTAR observations
Margutti, R. (PD/PI)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
3/8/21 → 6/30/21
Project: Research project
Continuing the Connecting of LSST Undergraduate Internships with the CIERA REU Program
Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator) & Margutti, R. (Co-Investigator)
6/1/18 → 5/31/20
Project: Research project