6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Helen B Schwartzman with the persons below:
Thomas McDade
- Anthropology - Professor, Carlos Montezuma Professor
- Medical Social Sciences - Professor
- School of Education and Social Policy - Professor
- Anthropology PhD Program
- Human Development and Social Policy PhD Program
- IPR - Institute for Policy Research - Professor
Person: Academic
Katherine E Hoffman
- Anthropology - Associate Professor
- Anthropology PhD Program
- ISITA - Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa - Member
- PAS - Program of African Studies - Member
Person: Academic
Rebecca A Seligman
- Anthropology - Associate Professor
- Anthropology PhD Program
- IPR - Institute for Policy Research - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
LaShandra Sullivan
- Anthropology - Associate Professor
- Black Studies - Associate Professor
Person: Academic