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The CSGrad4US Fellowship Program
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
Computing Research Association, Inc., National Science Foundation
7/15/23 → 6/30/28
Project: Research project
CSGRAD4US Mentoring Program - Phase Two
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
Computing Research Association, Inc., National Science Foundation
8/1/22 → 7/31/24
Project: Research project
CSGrad4US Mentoring Program
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
Computing Research Association, Inc., National Science Foundation
6/1/21 → 3/31/23
Project: Research project
SHF: Small: The Compiler-Architecture Solution to the Data Dependent, Circuit-Level Critical-Paths Variations
Campanoni, S. (PD/PI) & Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI)
10/1/19 → 9/30/23
Project: Research project
SHF: Small: Greybox Computing: An Associative Computing Methodology with Instruction Directed Power and Clock Management
Gu, J. (PD/PI) & Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI)
7/1/16 → 6/30/21
Project: Research project
REU Supplement for "SHF: Small: Integrating Compiler and Architecture Design to Boost Timing Speculation"
Joseph, R. (Subproject PI)
9/1/11 → 8/31/16
Project: Research project
SHF: Small: Integrating Compiler and Architecture Design to Boost Timing Speculation
Joseph, R. (PD/PI) & Findler, R. (Co-PD/PI)
9/1/11 → 8/31/16
Project: Research project
Enabling Exascale Hardware and Software Design through Scalable System Virtualization
Dinda, P. A. (PD/PI), Bustamante, F. E. (Co-PD/PI) & Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI)
9/1/10 → 8/31/14
Project: Research project
Support for the 40th Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium of Microarchitecture, 2007
Joseph, R. (PD/PI) & Memik, G. (Co-PD/PI)
12/1/07 → 11/30/08
Project: Research project
CAREER: Hardware/Software Support for Probabilistic Architectures
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research - CSR-EHS: Integrated Power Delivery - Hardware-Software Techniques to Eliminate Off-Chip Regulation From Embedded Systems
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
9/1/07 → 2/28/12
Project: Research project
REU: CAREER: Hardware/ Software Support for Probabilistic Architectures
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
9/1/07 → 8/31/13
Project: Research project
Collaborative Research: CRI: CRD: An Open Source Extensible Virtual Machine Monitor
Dinda, P. A. (PD/PI), Bustamante, F. E. (Co-PD/PI) & Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI)
8/1/07 → 7/31/12
Project: Research project
Self-Adjusting Architectures/Circuits for Improved Performance and Reduced Design Complexity
Memik, G. (PD/PI), Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI) & Ogrenci, S. (Co-PD/PI)
5/1/06 → 4/30/09
Project: Research project
Self-Adjusting Architectures/Circuits for Improved Performance and Reduced Design Complexity
Memik, G. (PD/PI), Joseph, R. (Co-PD/PI) & Ogrenci, S. (Co-PD/PI)
5/1/06 → 4/30/09
Project: Research project
Midwest Crossroads AGEP
Joseph, R. (PD/PI)
Purdue University, National Science Foundation
10/1/04 → 9/30/09
Project: Research project