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Professional Training for Inclusive Community Building
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
11/1/23 → 12/31/24
Project: Research project
e Research Experiences in Astronomy at CIERA for High School Students (REACH)
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Frank, K. A. (Co-Investigator)
9/1/23 → 8/31/24
Project: Research project
Research Experiences in Astronomy at CIERA for High School Students
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Frank, K. A. (Co-Investigator)
6/1/22 → 8/31/23
Project: Research project
The LSST Corporation Data Science Fellowship Program
Miller, A. A. (PD/PI), Miller, A. A. (PD/PI), Kalogera, V. (Other) & Kalogera, V. (Other)
Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation
12/10/21 → 1/29/25
Project: Research project
Preparing LISA for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Science
Fragione, G. (PD/PI), Fragione, G. (PD/PI), Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator), Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator), Rasio, F. A. (Co-Investigator) & Rasio, F. A. (Co-Investigator)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
9/15/21 → 9/14/24
Project: Research project
Cottrell Fellowship: Distorted Accretion Disks: The Restless Environments of Planet-Forming Systems
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Munoz, D. J. (Other)
Research Corporation, National Science Foundation
9/1/20 → 8/31/21
Project: Research project
Gravitational-Wave Inference from Binary Compact Objects
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI), Larson, S. L. (Co-PD/PI) & Berry, C. P. L. (Co-Investigator)
9/1/19 → 8/31/22
Project: Research project
A Novel Tabletop Gravitational-wave Detector for Frequencies > 10 kHz Phase II
Geraci, A. A. (PD/PI), Kalogera, V. (Co-PD/PI) & Larson, S. L. (Co-PD/PI)
7/1/19 → 6/30/24
Project: Research project
Next-Generation Compact Object Population Models for Astrophysics
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Katsaggelos, A. K. (Co-PD/PI)
Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation
5/1/19 → 7/31/23
Project: Research project
The LSST Corporation Data Science Fellowship Program
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI) & Miller, A. A. (Other)
Gordon E. and Betty I. Moore Foundation
11/10/18 → 11/18/22
Project: Research project
Exploring the Fourth Dimension: Enhancing the Discovery Power of Transient Surveys with an Effective Classification/Identification System
Margutti, R. (PD/PI), Fong, W.-F. (Co-Investigator) & Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator)
9/1/18 → 12/31/21
Project: Research project
The LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program
Miller, A. A. (PD/PI) & Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator)
8/1/18 → 10/31/23
Project: Research project
Continuing the Connecting of LSST Undergraduate Internships with the CIERA REU Program
Kalogera, V. (Co-Investigator) & Margutti, R. (Co-Investigator)
6/1/18 → 5/31/20
Project: Research project
Bringing Gravitational Wave Astronomy to Light: Chandra X-ray Localization of LIGO-Virgo GW Sources
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
9/2/17 → 9/1/18
Project: Research project
MRI: Acquisition of a High-Performance Computing Cluster to Unveil the Sources of Gravitational Waves
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI), Katsaggelos, A. K. (Co-PD/PI), Liao, W.-K. (Co-PD/PI), Rasio, F. A. (Co-PD/PI), Larson, S. L. (Other) & Margutti, R. (Other)
8/15/17 → 7/31/19
Project: Research project
Toward the Next Breakthrough: Detecting the Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Waves
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
8/1/17 → 7/31/18
Project: Research project
Salaries & Fringe for Hubble Fellowship for Wen-fai Fong
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
Space Telescope Science Institute, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
8/1/17 → 7/31/18
Project: Research project
Variable Classes Revealed! A New Citizen Scientist, Astronomer, and Computer Scientist Project to Meet the Stellar Classification Challenge in the LSST Era
Miller, A. A. (PD/PI) & Kalogera, V. (Co-PD/PI)
7/1/17 → 12/31/18
Project: Research project
CIFAR Fellowship for Kalogera
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
7/1/17 → 3/31/23
Project: Research project
Connecting LSST Undergraduate Internships with the CIERA REU Program
Kalogera, V. (Co-PD/PI), Margutti, R. (Co-PD/PI) & Miller, A. A. (Other)
6/1/17 → 5/31/19
Project: Research project
Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters
Rasio, F. A. (PD/PI), Chatterjee, S. (Co-PD/PI) & Kalogera, V. (Co-PD/PI)
6/1/17 → 5/31/21
Project: Research project
Participant Support Costs for Kalogera# SP0035964
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/19
Project: Research project
Gravitational-Wave Inference from Binary Compact Objects
Kalogera, V. (PD/PI)
9/1/16 → 8/31/19
Project: Research project