2020-2021 NREF Clinical Fellowship Grant

Project: Research project

Project Details


Prospective candidates submit a formal application for admission to the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University spine fellowship program for review and consideration. The criteria for a completed application includes the application for admission signed by the candidate, a personal statement, Curriculum Vitae and three (3) letters of recommendation. Applications are reviewed by the Fellowship Director and Faculty Members. Eligible candidates are identified for interviews. The criteria used in the initial review of the application are the applicants Research and Publications, Quality of Personal Statement, and Strength of Recommendation Letters. On the interview day, the candidate meets with the Spine fellowship faculty and spend time in the clinic and OR settings. The faculty use a standardized evaluation form to rate the candidates credentials. The criteria for the interview day focuses on the applicant's personal attributes (communication skills, maturity, and ability to work with others. The interview evaluation forms are reviewed by the Fellowship Director and based on the feedback, offers for fellowship oositions are extended.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/21


  • Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (Agmt# 09/04/20)


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