A Learning Collaborative Model for the Study of Lung Cancer Care

  • Odell, David Duston (PD/PI)
  • Bilimoria, Karl Y (Other)
  • Holl, Jane Louise (Other)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Given that statewide quality improvement collaboratives have demonstrated success in other medical specialties and for other conditions,28-30 this application proposes to use a learning collaborative model to improve the quality of lung cancer care in the Illinois Lung Cancer Collaborative (ILCC), a group of diverse hospitals across the state of Illinois which are accredited by the Commission on Cancer and participate in the Illinois Surgical Quality Improvement Collaborative (ISQIC; www.isqic.org). The application proposes to assess potential performance of revised, adapted, or new Lung Cancer Quality Measures that will be developed through a modified Delphi process; examine local, contextual factors related to poor adherence with the consensus-derived Lung Cancer Quality Measures. Future work will seek to develop a Lung Cancer Quality Improvement (QI) Toolkit to improve adherence with the Lung Cancer Quality Measures; and, finally, assess implementation of solutions from the Toolkit. The ultimate goal of the proposal is to improve guideline adherence and decrease variability in lung cancer care. This work will lead to a generalizable model to assess cancer care quality, understand the underlying reasons for variability, and improve adherence to national, evidence-based, consensus-derived guidelines.
Effective start/end date7/1/1710/31/19


  • American College of Surgeons (Agreement 5/1/17)


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