A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of Standardized C7-T1 Epidural Steroid Injections versus Targeted Injection via Cervical Epidural Catheter for the Treatment of Cervical Radicular Pain

  • Walega, David R (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


We will compare standardized C7-T1 interlaminar cervical epidural steroid injections to targeted cervical epidural catheter steroid injections using a catheter. We hypothesize that patients with C2-C6 radicular pain will have superior symptom relief, reduced medication use, improved disability, and fewer repeat injections for symptom relief with targeted cervical epidural catheter injections as compared to standardized epidural steroid delivery via the standard interlaminar technique using a C7-T1 approach. Additionally, interlaminar cervical ESI is frequently performed without the use of local anesthetics due to training bias or concerns of potential side effects including weakness, which may or may not be justified. Thus, many patients undergo cervical interlaminar epidural steroid injections without the benefit of epidural local anesthetic, thereby increasing latency of pain relief, decreasing diagnostic information with regard to pain generators responsible for symptoms, and potentially decreasing patient satisfaction. By comparing the effects of local anesthetic and saline as diluents during interlaminar cervical ESI, we will assess the safety and efficacy of using local anesthetic as a diluent diluents with regard to motor weakness and hemodynamic changes as well as pain control and patient satisfaction immediately after the injection procedure.
Effective start/end date1/23/1412/31/16


  • Midwest Pain Society (Ltr.12/3/12)


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