A Randomized Control Trial of Mesh Suture Repair Versus Traditional Suture Repair for Paraesophageal Hernia

Project: Research project

Project Details


Patients seeking laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair who meet the study’s criteria will be offered an opportunity to participate (Table 1). Participants will be randomized in 2:1 fashion for treatment with mesh suture or standard suture, respectively. We believe this allocation ratio will reduce the impact of a mesh suture-related ‘learning curve’ without significantly affecting the study’s power. Sample size (n=80) was calculated at 53 patients for the mesh suture group and 27 patients for the standard group, assuming a 10% drop out rate.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/21


  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital (AGMT 7/24/18 // AGMT 7/24/18)
  • Digestive Health Foundation (AGMT 7/24/18 // AGMT 7/24/18)


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