A Study of Intestinal Permeability in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Project: Research project

Project Details


i. Project/study title: A Study of Intestinal Permeability in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis; ii. Project/study title in lay terms: Searching for the Cause of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: Can it be Explained by the “Leaky Gut” Theory? Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate if patients with PSC demonstrate abnormal intestinal permeability. Secondarily, the study will investigate if patients with PSC alone have significantly different intestinal permeability than patients with PSC and concomitant UC. Hypothesis: Patients with PSC will exhibit increased small or large intestinal permeability via measurement of oral oligosaccharide absorption. Secondarily, patients with combined PSC/UC will have significantly larger increase in permeability than patients with PSC alone.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/22


  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Amendment #9 to Grant Agreement #21 // Amendment #9 to Grant ...)
  • Digestive Health Foundation (Amendment #9 to Grant Agreement #21 // Amendment #9 to Grant ...)


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