Acceptability and Refinement of the Fathers and Babies Course

Project: Research project

Project Details


We are seeking financial support from the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation to conduct additional parent recruitment into our MB-TXT/Fathers and Babies (FAB) intervention pilot study, along with subsequent qualitative data collection via focus groups and semi-structured key informant interviews to inform refinement of the Fathers and Babies (FAB) curriculum and prepare it for large-scale implementation and evaluation among home visiting and public health programs across the country. Specifically, funds from this grant would support: research staff salaries for project management, enrollment of 12 more FAB Pilot study dyads (n=24), recruitment of focus group participants (n=18-20) and key informants (n=4), focus group facilitation, and participant remuneration for focus group and interview participants from the community, transcription, qualitative data analysis and FAB course material refinement.
Effective start/end date3/1/198/31/20


  • Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation (Agmt 3/28/19)


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