ACTG CoVPN Startup Fund

  • Taiwo, Babafemi O (PD/PI)
  • Krueger, Karen M (Co-Investigator)

Project: Research project

Project Details


CoVPN- Enroll up to 2000 participants in three vaccine trials at NMH. For the first trial that will start in Aug, it is expected NU will enroll at least 500 participants, including at least 300 participants at the NU CRS while Satellites 1 and 2 will enroll at least 100 each.
Effective start/end date12/1/2011/30/22


  • University of California, Los Angeles (1560 B YB245-04 // UM1AI068636)
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (1560 B YB245-04 // UM1AI068636)


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