Addressing the roots of inequities to build a Culture of Health: The impact of early childhood income supplements on long-term health and wellbeing

Project: Research project

Project Details


Children who grow up in poverty are exposed to multiple risk factors that adversely impact their health trajectories, resulting in lower human capital and poorer health into adulthood. This project will use a simulation approach to test for the first time the long-term impact of early childhood income supplements on educational attainment and health risk behaviors into early adulthood. Income supplement policies (e.g., child benefits, guaranteed minimum income, EITC, or welfare) may provide parents the opportunity to make healthier choices for their children. This project will provide actionable evidence for policy makers about whether addressing the roots of inequities (i.e., insufficient income) is a valuable strategy for improving long-term education and health at the population level, and reducing inequities in those outcomes.
Effective start/end date9/15/163/14/19


  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF 74029 08/25/2016)


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