Advisory Services for MAG ABM-DTA Integration - Phase II MAG Project

Project: Research project

Project Details


To support strategic and operational planning of transportation and mobility in fast-growing Maricopa Country, the Maricopa Area Government (MAG) is engaged in the development and application of a state of the art integrated Activity-Based Model (ABM) and Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) modeling system. Given the magnitude and complex nature of this undertaking, MAG is seeking guidance and quality control on the development process from the Northwestern University Transportation Center (NUTC), in cooperation with researchers at the Arizona State University. NUTC has considerable experience in the methodological and software implementation aspects of such tools, having been engaged in the development of an integrated ABM-DTA system for the multimodal network of the Greater Chicago area, in addition to numerous applications of advanced modeling tools to large-scale networks, including to the New York region’s best practice model network. The collaborative effort under this contract will involve an advisory role on the framework development for the integrated ABM-DTA modeling system, guidance on DTA software and ABM platform enhancement, design of the development and implementation plan, as well as quality control of the ABM-DTA integration project. This Task Order will be conducted in close coordination with other relevant Task Orders under this on-call project.
Effective start/end date8/16/198/15/20


  • Arizona State University (0600-0631-19-E001-0910-OF.099006 // 0600-0631-19-E001-0910-OF...)
  • Maricopa Association of Governments (0600-0631-19-E001-0910-OF.099006 // 0600-0631-19-E001-0910-OF...)


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