Analysis of Covid-19 Research for Sex- and Gender-Inclusive Practices

Project: Research project

Project Details


Sex and gender are key determinants of health which influence the prevalence, symptomology, and severity of many diseases and disorders and impact equity and access to care. Yet, the majority of biomedical research does not consider sex or gender in experimental design, analyses, and reporting. This historical lack of sex- and gender-inclusive research has led to critical gaps in knowledge and potentiated health disparities. Currently, the biomedical research enterprise is working synergistically, at unprecedented speed, to address the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov). These basic, translational, and clinical research efforts will support the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutics needed to treat and ultimately prevent the spread of Covid-19. However, it is unclear if and how, in the rush to share cutting-edge research data, sex and gender will be incorporated as key variables. The goal of this project is to evaluate emerging Covid-19 research for sex- and gender-inclusive research practices. The specific objectives are 1) To quantify the number of Covid-19 research studies which are sex-inclusive and conduct sex- and gender-based analyses 2) To identify other variables associated with sex-inclusion and sex- and gender-based analyses in Covid-19 research such as biomedical discipline, author gender, and country-of-origin. A retrospective bibliometric approach will be used to meet these objectives. Expected outcomes include a quantifiable assessment of sex- and gender-inclusive research practices central to the emerging Covid-19 pandemic. This work has the potential to identify key areas of strength and weakness in experimental rigor and reproducibility as it pertains to the expanding body of Covid-19-related research as well as determine key factors associated with sex- and gender-inclusive research practices during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Effective start/end date7/1/206/30/21


  • AccessCircles, Inc. (Awrd 09/14/2020)


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