ATHN Data Quality Counts Award Round 5.1

Project: Research project

Project Details


Northwestern Center for Bleeding Disorders provides comprehensive care for just over 150 patients with Hemophilia A & B. In addition, we treat patients with Von Willebrand’s disease, platelet function disorders and other rare bleeding disorders. Finally we are a large referral center for patients with thrombotic disorders. In total our center provides services for over 1000 patients with bleeding and thrombotic disorders annually. We currently have three full-time physicians, one physician assistant and one hemophilia nurse specialist. The center is funded by grants from the CDC and MCHB, and from clinical revenue. We do not have a 340b program. Therefore we have limited resources for staff support, particularly for activities such as data entry in the ATHN database. Funding provided through this grant would provide salary support for our nurse to perform data entry into Web Tracker. In the future we would also consider hiring part-time clinical research staff to assist in our research activities and database management.
Effective start/end date4/30/13 → 4/29/14


  • American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network (Awarded: 04-09-2013)


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