Barry University Engaged STEM Scholars (ESS) Program

Project: Research project

Project Details


The main role is to aid in the design of the research or “knowledge generation” portion of the proposal. The researcher is responsible for designing and conducting a study examining a specific research questions. The researcher will work in collaboration with the leadership team (Tamara Hamilton, PI, main contact), taking into account the demographic make-up and number of our STEM major students, and resources available to us in terms of faculty time and training, to design a study that will advance understanding about the factors and/or activities associated with retention, student success, transfer, academic/career pathways, and degree attainment for STEM major students with demonstrated financial need attending institutions like Barry University. Specific responsibilities of researcher co-PI during award period (2/1/2020-1/31/2025): - Remote meetings with the leadership team at least once per semester. - Review documents to be submitted for IRB approval - Advise/aid in Barry faculty training to implement interventions and collect data - Analyze/interpret data and prepare for publication/dissemination as appropriate - Research portion of annual and final reports to NSF The researcher will travel to Barry’s campus to meet with the study team periodically and to help conduct training workshops.
Effective start/end date2/1/201/31/25


  • Barry University (NSF-1930076 ESS-Sub 1-AMND 4 // DUE-1930076)
  • National Science Foundation (NSF-1930076 ESS-Sub 1-AMND 4 // DUE-1930076)


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