Base Milestone 2

Project: Research project

Project Details


The scope of the activity to be supported under this Task Order is to analyze innate immune signatures from a Phase 1 clinical trial conducted in Colombia where the safety and immunogenicity of a high and a low dose formulation of DENVax was tested by the subcutaneous or intradermal route. This Task Order will focus on the high dose cohorts. The primary goal is to determine innate immune signatures that are correlated with development of a tetravalent response to the vaccine for the SC route and high dose cohort. The secondary goal is to test samples for the intradermal (IO) route and to compare innate immune gene expression signatures for the IO versus subcutaneous (SC) routes, for the high dose cohorts.
Effective start/end date5/18/154/30/18


  • Battelle Memorial Institute (465426/HHSN272201200003I)
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (465426/HHSN272201200003I)


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