Biomarker-Based Phase IIB Trial of (Bazedoxifene-Conjugated Estrogen) to Reduce Risk for Breast Cancer

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Site PI (Dr. Khan) and associates will conduct the study as per KUMC Protocol STUDY00146320 [version 1.1a, 5- 28-2021; and any future amendments to that protocol], Randomized IIB Study of the Effect of Bazedoxifene plus Conjugated Estrogens on Breast Imaging and Tissue Biomarkers in Peri or Post-Menopausal Women at Increased Risk for Development of Breast Cancer.
Effective start/end date2/1/227/31/26


  • University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute, Inc. (GR16843 AMD 2 // 5R01CA249437-03)
  • National Cancer Institute (GR16843 AMD 2 // 5R01CA249437-03)


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