CAPriCORN: Clinical Data Research Network Project: CDRN-1306-04737-IC PHASE II

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Chicago Area Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network (CAPriCORN) is an unprecedented collaboration to develop, test, and implement strategies to impact healthcare quality, health outcomes, and health equity for diverse residents in the metropolitan Chicago region and the nation. As a Clinical Data Research Network (CDRN) of PCORnet, CAPriCORN’s overall strategy is to build upon the strengths of participating institutions and existing collaborations to develop a cross-institutional infrastructure for sustainable, patient-centered outcomes research in Chicago and nationally. CAPriCORN was initially convened by The Chicago Community Trust with administrative support from the Illinois Medical District Commission and central technical infrastructure support from the Medical Research Analytics and Informatics Alliance (MRAIA). During Phase II, the administration and fiscal management of CAPriCORN was shifted to Northwestern University, effective November 1, 2017. The Lead Principal Investigator for Phase I and from September 1, 2015 through October 31, 2017 was Terry Mazany (CEO of The Chicago Community Trust) and following his retirement became Abel Kho (Northwestern Medicine, who is closely supported by CAPriCORN stakeholder and health system site co-Principal Investigators along with a Coordinating Committee. A Steering Committee with representation from patients, clinicians, health system leaders, and researchers along with administrative agents is used for governance. CAPriCORN’s activities are organized into five workgroups: Patient-Clinician Engagement; Ethics and Regulatory; Clinical Research; Informatics; and Health Systems Leadership, Governance, and Collaboration.
Effective start/end date9/1/173/19/19


  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (CDRN-1306-04737-IC)


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