Cardiovascular Fellowship Grant AY13-14

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Interventional Cardiology fellowship program at Northwestern University aims to train fellows to be outstanding interventional cardiologists. The fellows receive exemplary training in complex PCI including adjunctive techniques such as rotational atherectomy, laser, optical coherence tomography intravascular ultrasound and fractional flow reserve. Transcatheter valve therapy training is offered, as well as Sapien and Melody heart valves, mitral, aortic and balloon pulmonic valvuloplasty. Structural heart disease is strongly emphasized including the experience to PFO, ASD, VSD and PDA occlusion devices. The fellows learn to evaluate the risks and benefits of diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization procedures. They are instructed on objective risk assessment of the patient prior to the procedure and are taught to evaluate the relative needs of percutaneous intervention compared to surgical or medical therapy. Further, we emphasize training in the need to discuss attempts of each with the patient and family. Our fellows are expected to exhibit excellent interpersonal skills with patients, their families, other professionals (including the medical and nursing staff), as well as all other support ancillary staff. Our graduates leave the program with a strong commitment to professional responsibility, ethical principles, and sensitivity to the unique patient diversities encountered in the cath lab. Collegiality, communication skills, respect, compassion, and integrity will be strengthened through their training with the Interventional Cardiology fellowship program. The minimum criteria for promotion from training are based on summative competency evaluations reviewed by the Program Director. Additional criteria include conference attendance, in-service examination, self-evaluations, participation in required procedural skills training and competency based educational activities. Deficiencies are addressed by the Program Director if required. One or more unacceptable evaluations in any core competency will lead to a meeting with the Program Director. Remediation plans will be formulated according to the competency-based remediation plans provided. Any probationary decisions will be carried out under the auspices of the Fellowship Evaluation and Promotions Committee and in accordance with Northwestern University’s Graduate Medical Education Policies and Procedures.
Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/14


  • Abbott Fund (Agmt 7/2/13)


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