Chicago Area Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network, CAPriCORN

Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of the Chicago Area Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network (CAPriCORN) is to pro-duce infrastructure to support state-of-the-art patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) in the Chicago area as part of the PCORI Clinical Data Research Network.CAPriCORN will accomplish this by an unprece-dented collaboration among Chicago-area academic medical centers (AMCs), health systems, Federally qualified health centers, payers, patient and community organizations, and other stakeholders that will coop-erate to efficiently and sustainably integrate interoperable longitudinal electronic health record (EHR) data, multi-payer claims data, and patient-reported outcome (PRO) data for >1 million people in the Chicago area. CAPriCORN will includemany of the region’s most vulnerable patients and major minority serving health care institutions. These efforts will be informed by expertise in PCOR infrastructure and methods from our institu-tions and national partners, using broadly scalable meaningful use (MU) standards in partnership with UHC (University HealthSystem Consortium) and major EHR providers (Epic,Cerner).With coordination by the Chi-cago Community Trust and a participatory and nimble governance structure, CAPriCORN will seek to model how health care institutions in complex urban settings can overcome barriers of competition, care fragment-ation, and limited resources to develop, test and implement strategies to improve care for diverse populations.
Effective start/end date3/1/148/31/15


  • Chicago Community Trust (CCT-CDRN-11 // CDRN-1306-04737)
  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (CCT-CDRN-11 // CDRN-1306-04737)


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