CHS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Understanding online creative collaboration over multidimensional networks

Project: Research project

Project Details


The tremendous research interest in networks and the massive amounts of available digital trace data enable studies of population-level human interaction on scales orders of magnitude greater than what was previously possible.Understanding the social structures and dynamics underpinning of socio-technical systems is crucial for system design as well as anticipating their impacts in our social, economic, and political lives. Crowdsourcing systems are socio-technical systems through which online communities comprised of diverse and distributed individuals coordinate work through dynamic interpersonal and socio-technical relationships. Many crowdsourcing systems not only generate creative content but also contain a rich community of collaboration and evaluation in which creators and adopters of creative content interact among themselves and with artifacts (e.g., creative content) through overlapping relationships such as affiliation, communication, affinity, and purchasing. These relationships constitute multidimensional networks and create structures at multiple levels.
Effective start/end date7/1/156/30/19


  • National Science Foundation (IIS-1514427)


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