Collaborating Consortium of Cohorts Producing NIDA Opportunities (C3PNO) COVID-19 Administrative Supplement

Project: Research project

Project Details


RADAR (2U01DA036939-06: Multilevel influences on HIV and substance use in a YMSM cohort, PI: Mustanski) is one of the cohorts participating in the Collaborating Consortium of Cohorts Producing NIDA Opportunities (C3PNO). C3PNO is the coordinating center for the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) cohorts. C3PNO manages and stimulates the use of the NIDA longitudinal cohorts and addresses high priority research on HIV/AIDS in the context of substance misuse. Under the direction of Dr. Mustanski, RADAR will participate in the C3PNO COVID-19 administrative supplement proposal. If funded, RADAR will administer a common C3PNO survey of core COVID-19-related questions at two point points from at least 200 participants. Data from these COVID-19 surveys will be added to the participant information from surrounding visits already being shared with the C3PNO coordinating center. Linking these data will allow us to measure changes across three time points: from baseline (i.e., existing data collected prior to outbreak), changes during the course of outbreak, and then as the epidemic recedes. RADAR investigators will contribute to related analyses and manuscripts.
Effective start/end date4/1/203/31/22


  • University of California, Los Angeles (1935 G YA102 // 3U24DA044554-05S1)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (1935 G YA102 // 3U24DA044554-05S1)


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