Collaborative Research: 2018 Mixed-Integer Programming Workshop

Project: Research project

Project Details


This year marks the 15th Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) workshop, a workshop that is held annually in North America and is designed to encourage participation of junior researchers in integer programming and related areas. A primary focus of this workshop is to (a) showcase the research of young researchers, (b) increase the visibility for accomplished students at an early stage in their career which is especially helpful given the very long refereeing and publication process in mathematical programming, and (c) provide an opportunity for Ph.D.~students to network with the world's top researchers. The workshop consists of a single track of 20-25 invited talks, with about one half of the speakers being junior faculty/postdoctoral fellows. The presence of a significant number of senior researchers enables the junior researchers to expose their ideas to the leaders in the field. The layout of the 3.5 day workshop allows for ample time for participants, especially students, to collaborate and network. The MIP Workshop also features a student poster session as a venue for students to showcase their work to established researchers in integer programming. This session, held jointly with a reception, is well attended and serve as a springboard for networking. There is an award for the best poster presented by a student. This proposal seeks travel support for 10 student poster presenters.
Effective start/end date7/15/186/30/19


  • National Science Foundation (CMMI-1841303)


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