Collaborative Research: RAPID: Spatial variability of small-strain stiffness, Go, and effects on ground movements related to geotechnical construction

Project: Research project

Project Details


Increased dense urbanization and traffic congestion in the US and many parts of the world are prompting a significant demand for underground space to make emerging mega-cities livable by lowering pollution and energy consumption. Underground construction provides sustainable development benefits in terms of creating mass transit and commercial space in areas with existing infrastructure, the ability to capture emissions, and the opportunity to preserve green space by relocating transportation systems and other structures underground. However, development of underground space may result in damage to adjacent infrastructure. Recent research has resulted in advances in techniques to predict, monitor, and control ground movements during excavation. One aspect of these efforts has shown that small-strain shear stiffness, Go, and its variation with strain is a key ingredient in any constitutive model used to predict the relatively small ground movements required to preclude damage to adjacent infrastructure and structures in urban areas. Natural soil sites are heterogeneous and Go values vary laterally and with depth around the plan area of typical urban excavations. The purpose of this research is determine the magnitudes and spatial variations of Go around a large excavation in Seattle, WA, and evaluate the impact of these factors on the resulting ground movements that arise during the excavation process.
Effective start/end date8/1/187/31/20


  • National Science Foundation (CMMI-1841584)


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