Comparative Effectiveness Randomized Trial to Improve Stroke Care Delivery: C3FIT: Coordinated, Collaborative, Comprehensive, Family-based, Integrated, and Technology-enabled Care

Project: Research project

Project Details


The specific aim of this project is to assess superiority of patient-centric outcomes between the CSC/PSC and ISPU models in a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial conducted at 18 clinical centers in the United States (US). NMH has been randomized to the ISPU (Integrated Stroke Practice Unit) model of patient-centric care involving the entire patient’s family that coordinates care from the acute management through the rehabilitation and recovery of the patient. One hundred stroke patients admitted to NMH will be recruited for this site. The primary outcome is Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) at 6 months and 1 year. The secondary outcomes are 1) Readmission, Recurrence, Functional Outcome (mRS), Mortality; 2) Time-Based Activity-Based Costing (TBABC) methodology (Mayo-Harvard Business School); 3) Focus on family of index stroke patients for primary. Enrollment is planned over a 6 month period with 12 months of monthly follow-up coordinated through visit by a study nurse and a patient educator and monitored by the site PI and co-I.
Effective start/end date2/1/191/31/22


  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC72002 // PCS-2017C3-9081)
  • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (VUMC72002 // PCS-2017C3-9081)


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