Conference on Advances in Magnetic Nanostructures

    Project: Research project

    Project Details


    The goals of this and subsequent workshops is to bring together a diverse group of researchers from the US and Japan to discuss ways to use predictive theory and modeling, combined with machine learning, data mining, and rapid-acquisition of experimental data to produce highly efficient and low-cost manufactured products. This workshop will strive to develop a collaborative framework for complementary joint research using the materials genome and concurrent engineering paradigm to meet the development goals set by each country. To this end, we have designed a 2-day agenda with 5 plenary speakers and 30 distinguished colleagues in the field to lecture and lead 5 parallel sessions. The workshop will identify both important scientific and engineering challenges in materials topics including metals, polymer composites, and ceramics. A final report, to be drafted after the workshop conclusion, will inform and guide potential collaborations and implementation.
    Effective start/end date8/15/091/31/10


    • National Science Foundation (CMMI-1541818)


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