Connecting LSST Undergraduate Internships with the CIERA REU Program

Project: Research project

Project Details


The proposal will fund two undergraduate students to carry out research at Northwestern, participate in the additional activities of the CIERA REU program during the summer, live on the Northwestern campus during the summer and attend a meeting of the American Astronomical Society to present their results. Dr. Geller will oversee the logistics and run the professional development workshops, seminars and discussions for these students (and the REUs). Drs. Geller, Kalogera and Miller will co-mentor one student, while Drs. Margutti, Kalogera and Miller will co-mentor the second student. These student research projects are well aligned with the research currently being carried out by Drs. Geller, Kaloger, Margutti and Miller.
Effective start/end date6/1/175/31/19


  • LSST, Inc. (2017-UG05)


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