Continued NuSTAR monitoring of the unprecedented metamorphosis of SN2014C

  • Margutti, Raffaella (PD/PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Mass loss in evolved massive stars is one of the least understood yet fundamental aspects of stellar evolution. HOW and WHEN do massive stars lose their H-envelopes? This central question motivates this proposal. We request a continuation of our successful NuSTAR program that led to the first detection of a H-poor extragalactic SN in the hard X-rays. We request NuSTAR observations to map the unique situation of the interaction of the H-stripped SN2014C with a H-rich shell ejected by its progenitor star, as part of our approved gamma-ray to radio follow-up. Our goal is to complete the mapping of the density profile of the H-rich material at R>7d17 cm to determine its location and total mass, and hence the mass-loss history of the progenitor in the years before stellar death.
Effective start/end date3/10/173/9/19


  • NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (NNX17AI13G)


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